
Contact Us

We can be reached at the following address:

MSU Breathitt Veterinary Center
101 MSU Drive, PO Box 2000
Hopkinsville, KY 42241-2000

We can be reached at the following phone numbers:

270.886.3959 (Phone)
270.886.4295 (Fax)

Emergency, Holiday, and After-Hours Contact Information:

Breathitt Veterinary Center personnel are available to assist you with emergencies on holidays and weekends that the laboratory is closed.

After-hours calls are forwarded to an answering service who will contact on-call personnel. If you experience difficulty reaching the answering service or if BVC personnel have not returned your call in a reasonable length of time, please call:

Dr. Debbie Reed: 270-977-3143

A list of some of our faculty / staff:

- Dr. Debbie Reed, Director
- Mr. Bill Lawrence, Assistant Director
- Dr. Johna Veatch, Head of Pathology
- Dr. Ramesh Gupta, Section Head
- Dr. Shri Singh, Section Head