
BVC Client Handbook

? Click the question mark icon to see footnotes or comments.

p Click the "p" icon to see tests contained within Panels.

p Click the dollar sign "$" icon to see current fees for that test or panel.

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By default, this data is sorted by laboratory department then by Test/Panel name. The white trangles in the table header below enable sorting on that column. So clicking the up-triangle by the Test/Panel will sort the data from A to Z on test/Panel name. Clicking the down-triangle will sort the data from Z to A. The blue triangle represents the current sort order.

Use the search option below to filter data. For example, typing "avian" in search (without quotes) will filter the table to show only those rows with the word avian in it or typing "virology" will only show Virology tests. This search is NOT case-sensitive, so "Avian" and "avian" will both show the same data.

Expected Time represents the number of Business Days the test should take to process from the time the sample is received in the laboratory section to when the preliminary test results are available. Weekends and holidays do not count in this time, nor does mail float time between when you send a sample and when we receive it. Other factors, such as sample preparation prior to testing (i.e. performing a Necropsy to gather tissue samples for further testing) and review by case coordinator and/or laboratory section supervisor may further extend the time between the sample entering the BVC and the final case report being delivered.

See links at left for Submission policies, downloadable Accession forms, and other information.

Department Test/Panel (Procedure) Specimen(s) Expected Time Days
Department Test/Panel (Procedure) Specimen(s) Expected Time Weekdays
Clinical Pathology 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (Sent to Michigan St) Fee Schedule

25-Hydroxyvitamin D (Sent to Michigan St)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Clinical Pathology ACTH endogenous (Sent to Cornell) Details

ACTH endogenous (Sent to Cornell)

Precautions for ACTH: Equine plasma concentrations of ACTH are affected by stress, exercise, and some drugs. ACTH is readily metabolized in whole blood and serum samples. Blood samples must be collected with EDTA as the anticoagulant. Samples should be kept chilled and plasma removed from cells within 4 hours after collection. Test results from samples left on cells longer than 4 hours should be interpreted with caution. Horses should not be exercised or stressed before drawing blood samples because exercise and stress can increase ACTH levels.
Fee Schedule

ACTH endogenous (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL frozen Plasma. Spun down within 4 hours of draw and removed from cells. Frozen after separation. 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Albumin (ALB) (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Albumin (ALB) (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology ALT (SGPT) (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule


Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Amylase (AMY) (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Amylase (AMY) (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology ANA (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

ANA (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Anti-Mullerian Hormone (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology AST (SGOT) (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule


Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Avian CBC (Panel) Panel Tests

Avian CBC (Panel)

Panel Tests:
HCT (Sent to Antech) 3 days
WBC (Sent to Antech) 3 days
Het/Poly (Sent to Antech) 3 days
Lymphs (Sent to Antech) 3 days
Monos (Sent to Antech) 3 days
EOS (Sent to Antech) 3 days
Baso (Sent to Antech) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Avian CBC (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
two blood smears, one full Hct tube, 0.3 mL LTT for manual WBC 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Baermann Fecal (Baermann) Fee Schedule

Baermann Fecal (Baermann)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Bile Acid Panel (Panel) Details

Bile Acid Panel (Panel)

Fast for 12 hours prior to drawing pre-sample. Feed fatty meal and draw 2 hours later. Occasionally post-prandial levels are lower than fasting levels due to spontaneous gall bladder contractions prior to feeding.
Panel Tests

Bile Acid Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Bile Acid, Baseline (DxC700AU) 3 days
Bile Acid, Post Meal (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Bile Acid Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Two (2) 0.5 mL serum samples 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Bile Acid, Baseline (DxC700AU) Details

Bile Acid, Baseline (DxC700AU)

Random Sample no fasting
Fee Schedule

Bile Acid, Baseline (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Bile Acid, Post Meal (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Bile Acid, Post Meal (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Bilirubin, Direct (DxC700AU) Details

Bilirubin, Direct (DxC700AU)

Results may be falsely elevated by hemolysis and lipemia.
Fee Schedule

Bilirubin, Direct (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Bilirubin, Indirect (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Bilirubin, Indirect (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
Calculated 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Bilirubin, Total (DxC700AU) Details

Bilirubin, Total (DxC700AU)

Results may be falsely elevated by hemolysis and lipemia.
Fee Schedule

Bilirubin, Total (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Bromide (Sent to Univ of IL) Fee Schedule

Bromide (Sent to Univ of IL)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Bulk-Tank Milk (Panel) Panel Tests

Bulk-Tank Milk (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Standard Plate Count (Aerobic Culture) 2 days
DELVO (Variable) 7 days
LPC (Std. Plate) 1 day
Somatic Milk Counts (Newman-Lampert stain) 2 days
Mycoplasma genus (PCR) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Bulk-Tank Milk (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2mL fresh, unfrozen milk 7 days M-F
Clinical Pathology BUN (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

BUN (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Calcium (DxC700AU) Details

Calcium (DxC700AU)

Avoid EDTA plasma sample.
Fee Schedule

Calcium (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology CardioPet proBNP (Sent to Idexx) Fee Schedule

CardioPet proBNP (Sent to Idexx)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL EDTA plasma (preferred specimen in dogs) or 1 mL serum (keep refrigerated; send with cold pack). Avoid grossly hemolyzed specimens. Serum specimens must be kept cold to prevent degradation. Interferences include: prolonged contact with glass, aged sample, gross hemolysis, repeated freeze/thaw cycles. Serum specimens received at room temperature may have decreased levels. Azotemia, cardiac arrhythmias & pulmonary hypertension may elevate levels. 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology CBC Avian (Panel) Details

CBC Avian (Panel)

Submission of freshly prepared blood smear required for differentiation of bands. These slides should be aired dried only – no heat or alcohol fixing, or staining. Use of purple-top EDTA tubes is highly recommended for best results. Care should be taken when drawing samples to eliminate the possibility of hemolysis which lowers the total RBC count, thereby altering the calculated RBC indices.
Panel Tests

CBC Avian (Panel)

Panel Tests:
WBC Count (Sent to Idexx) 2 days
HCT (Sent to Idexx) 2 days
Heterophils (Sent to Idexx) 2 days
Lymphs (Sent to Idexx) 2 days
Heterophils, Absolute (Sent to Idexx) 2 days
Lymphs, Absolute (Sent to Idexx) 2 days
Platelets (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
RBC parasite (Sent to Idexx) 2 days
Plasma Protein (Sent to Idexx) 2 days
EOS (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
EOS, Absolute (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
Baso (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
Baso, Absolute (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
WBC Estimate (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
Bands (Visual) 1 day
Blast (Visual) 1 day
Var Lym (Visual) 1 day
Tox Gran (Visual) 1 day
Polychromasia (Visual) 1 day
Hypochromasia (Visual) 1 day
Target (Visual) 1 day
Poikilocytosis (Visual) 1 day
Anisocytosis (Visual) 1 day
Baso, Stippling (Visual) 1 day
Sphero (Visual) 1 day
Howell Jolly Bodies (Visual) 1 day
Fee Schedule

CBC Avian (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL EDTA 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology CBC, Mammalian (Panel) Details

CBC, Mammalian (Panel)

Submission of freshly prepared blood smear required for differentiation of bands. These slides should be aired dried only – no heat or alcohol fixing, or staining. Use of purple-top EDTA tubes is highly recommended for best results. Care should be taken when drawing samples to eliminate the possibility of hemolysis which lowers the total RBC count, thereby altering the calculated RBC indices.
Panel Tests

CBC, Mammalian (Panel)

Panel Tests:
WBC (XN 1000V) 1 day
RBC (XN 1000V) 1 day
Hemoglobin (XT-2000iV) 1 day
HCT (XT-2000iV) 1 day
MCV (XT-2000iV) 1 day
MCH (XT-2000iV) 1 day
MCHC (XT-2000iV) 1 day
Platelets (XT-2000iV) 1 day
NRBC (Visual) 1 day
NEU, Absolute (XT-2000iV) 1 day
NEU (XT-2000iV) 1 day
Bands (Visual) 1 day
Lymphs, Absolute (XT-2000iV) 1 day
Lymphs (XT-2000iV) 1 day
Monos, Absolute (XT-2000iV) 1 day
Monos (XT-2000iV) 1 day
EOS, Absolute (XT-2000iV) 1 day
EOS (XT-2000iV) 1 day
Baso, Absolute (XT-2000iV) 1 day
Baso (XT-2000iV) 1 day
RET (XN 1000V)  
IRF (XN 1000V)  
Blast (Visual) 1 day
Fibrinogen (Quantitative) (Heat Precipitation) 1 day
Var Lym (Visual) 1 day
Tox Gran (Visual) 1 day
Polychromasia (Visual) 1 day
Hypochromasia (Visual) 1 day
Target (Visual) 1 day
Poikilocytosis (Visual) 1 day
Anisocytosis (Visual) 1 day
Baso, Stippling (Visual) 1 day
Sphero (Visual) 1 day
Heinz Bodies (Slide Exam) 1 day
Howell Jolly Bodies (Visual) 1 day
Fee Schedule

CBC, Mammalian (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
EDTA tube 1/2 to 2/3 full of unclotted blood 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Chloride (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Chloride (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Cholesterol (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Cholesterol (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology CO2 (Bicarbonate) (DxC700AU) Details

CO2 (Bicarbonate) (DxC700AU)

Once separated from cells, protect from exposure to air.
Fee Schedule

CO2 (Bicarbonate) (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Coagulation Panel 1 (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel) Details

Coagulation Panel 1 (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel)

1 mL LTT, two blood smears, citrated plasma (one full BTT spun, separated into a plain, no-additive RTT without clot activator or a plastic tube, labeled as citrated plasma, and frozen).
Panel Tests

Coagulation Panel 1 (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Prothrombin Time (PT) (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
Prothrombin (PTT) (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
Platelets (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Coagulation Panel 1 (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Full BT (at least 2 mL) and 1 LTT, 1 mL LTT, two blood smears, citrated plasma (one full BTT spun, separated into a plain, no-additive RTT without clot activator or a plastic tube, labeled as citrated plasma, and frozen) 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Coagulation Panel Small Animal (sent to Cornell) (Panel) Details

Coagulation Panel Small Animal (sent to Cornell) (Panel)

Citrated plasma must be removed from the cells within 2 hours of draw time. Correct blood-to-anticoagulant ratio is very important.
  1. Fill the BTT as much as vacuum will allow to obtain proper ratio.
  2. Invert tube gently several times after filling.
  3. Centrifuge immediately at 1500 rpm for 15 minutes.
  4. Separate the plasma from the cells and transfer to a plastic tube or plain, no-additive RTT without clot activator (not a serum separator tube).
  5. Label as citrated plasma.
  6. Freeze the sample and ship on ice

Panel Tests

Coagulation Panel Small Animal (sent to Cornell) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Activated Partial Thromboplastin (aPTT) (Sent to Cornell) 2 days
Prothrombin Time (PT) (Sent to Cornell) 2 days
Thrombin Time (TT) (Sent to Cornell) 2 days
Fee Schedule

Coagulation Panel Small Animal (sent to Cornell) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2 ml Separated Citrated Plasma 2 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Coagulation Profile w D-Dimer (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel) Details

Coagulation Profile w D-Dimer (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel)

Also includes CBC Panel
Correct blood-to-anticoagulant ratio is very important.
  1. Fill the BTT as much as vacuum will allow to obtain proper ratio.
  2. Invert tube gently several times after filling.
  3. Centrifuge immediately at 1500 rpm for 15 minutes.
  4. Separate the plasma from the cells and transfer to a plastic tube or plain, no-additive RTT without clot activator (not a serum separator tube).
  5. Label as citrated plasma.
  6. Freeze the sample and ship on ice.

Citrated plasma must be removed from the cells within 2 hours of draw time.
Panel Tests

Coagulation Profile w D-Dimer (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
D-Dimer (Sent to Idexx) 5 days
Fibrinogen (Quantitative) (Sent to Idexx) 2 days
Platelets (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
Prothrombin Time (PT) (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
Prothrombin (PTT) (Sent to Idexx) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Coagulation Profile w D-Dimer (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL LTT, two blood smears, two tubes of citrated plasma (two full BTT spun, separated into a plain, no-additive RTT without clot activator or a plastic tube, labeled as citrated plasma, and frozen) 5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Cobalamin (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Cobalamin (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Cobalamin and Folate (Sent to TVMDL) (Panel) Details

Cobalamin and Folate (Sent to TVMDL) (Panel)

Fast the patient overnight before specimen collection. Spin and separate the serum as soon as specimen has clotted.
Folate is light sensitive and has limited stability unless frozen. Sample should be removed from cells as soon as clot forms. The tube should then be wrapped in foil or similar material to limit exposure to light and frozen. Ship overnight with sufficient ice packs to keep sample cold.
Panel Tests

Cobalamin and Folate (Sent to TVMDL) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Cobalamin (Sent to TVMDL) 4 days
Folate (Sent to TVMDL) 4 days
Fee Schedule

Cobalamin and Folate (Sent to TVMDL) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 4 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Coombs (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Coombs (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Cortisol ACTH Stimulation (Panel) Details

Cortisol ACTH Stimulation (Panel)



NORMAL ANIMALS: Pre-ACTH concentration of cortisol is within the reference value above for normal animals. Post-ACTH concentration is elevated 2 to 3 times above the pre-ACTH concentration.

PRIMARY HYPOADRENOCORTICISM (ADDISON'S DISEASE; ADRENOCORTICAL INSUFFICIENCY): Pre-ACTH concentration of cortisol is below the reference value (often undetectable) or low normal. Post- ACTH concentration does not differ from the pre-ACTH concentration or changes very little. 50% of animals with Addison’s have post-ACTH levels below pre-ACTH concentrations.

SECONDARY HYPOADRENOCORTICISM: Pre-ACTH concentration of cortisol is below the reference value (sometimes undetectable) or low normal. Post-ACTH concentration is elevated 3 to 5 times above the pre-ACTH concentration.

PRIMARY HYPERADRENOCORTICISM (ADRENOCORTICAL TUMOR): Pre-ACTH concentration of cortisol is usually above the reference value. However, because of the sporadic pattern of cortisol secretion, its concentration may be within the reference value, even low. Post-ACTH concentration may be within the reference value, above the reference value, or unchanged from pre-ACTH concentration. No change from pre-ACTH concentration is an excellent indication of a tumor. The ACTH response test is only clearly positive in 30% of animals with hyperadrenocorticism (HAC), and normal in 40% of those with HAC. If the ACTH response test is normal and HAC is still suspected, proceed with a low-dose dexamethasone suppression test.

SECONDARY HYPERADRENOCORTICISM (CUSHING'S DISEASE; PITUITARY-DEPENDENT HYPERADRENOCORTICISM): Pre-ACTH concentration of cortisol is usually above the reference value. However, because of the sporadic pattern of cortisol secretion, its concentration may be within the reference value, even low. Post-ACTH concentration of cortisol usually is far above the reference value because of functional adrenocortical hyperplasia.

IATROGENIC CUSHING'S SYNDROME: Pre-ACTH concentration of cortisol is below the reference value (often undetectable) or low normal. After long-term treatment with corticosteroids, post-ACTH concentration does not differ from pre-ACTH concentration or changes very little.

NOTE: Many factors can affect cortisol concentrations, including daily fluctuations, stress, drugs (especially prednisone and prenisolone), and reproductive state.

Panel Tests

Cortisol ACTH Stimulation (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Cortisol, Pre ACTH (Variable) 1 day
Cortisol, Post ACTH (Variable) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Cortisol ACTH Stimulation (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL serum per tube labeled Pre-ACTH and Post-ACTH 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Cortisol Equine Dexamethasone (Panel) Panel Tests

Cortisol Equine Dexamethasone (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Cortisol, Pre Dex (Variable) 1 day
Cortisol, 12 Hr Post Dex (Variable) 1 day
Cortisol, 18 Hr Post Dex (Variable) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Cortisol Equine Dexamethasone (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL serum per sample drawn 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Cortisol High Dexamethasone (Panel) Panel Tests

Cortisol High Dexamethasone (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Cortisol, Baseline (Immulite) 1 day
Cortisol, 4 Hr Post Dex (Variable) 1 day
Cortisol, 8 Hr Post Dex (Variable) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Cortisol High Dexamethasone (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Three (3) 1 mL serum samples 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Cortisol Low Dexamethasone (Panel) Panel Tests

Cortisol Low Dexamethasone (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Cortisol, Baseline (Immulite) 1 day
Cortisol, 4 Hr Post Dex (Variable) 1 day
Cortisol, 8 Hr Post Dex (Variable) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Cortisol Low Dexamethasone (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Three (3) 1 mL serum samples 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Cortisol, Baseline (Immulite) Details

Cortisol, Baseline (Immulite)

Do not send whole blood. Serum is the preferred sample type.
  1. Collect blood using a plain red-top collection tube without any additives (i.e. clot activators, no SST tubes, etc.).
  2. Allow adequate time for the blood to clot to ensure sufficient sample yield for testing and to avoid fibrin formation. Usually, at least 30 minutes or more is needed. Store blood in the refrigerator if time before centrifugation will be greater than 2 hours.
  3. Centrifuge specimen at a speed and time (~10 minutes) that allow for adequate separation and sample volume.
  4. After centrifugation, transfer the serum into a tube appropriate for shipping and/or frozen storage
  5. Store the aliquoted serum in a freezer prior to shipping especially if the time before pick up will be 12 hours or longer.
  6. Ship serum on cold packs, preferably using an overnight service.
  7. Do not use serum separator tubes (SST) for sample collection, shipping or as a storage tube. Some brands have clotting additives that can interfere with the assays and affect test results. When these tubes are used for shipping after centrifugation, the gel barrier can dislodge during transit, and this will usually ruin the sample. Do not send severely hemolyzed or lipemic samples.

Fee Schedule

Cortisol, Baseline (Immulite)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Cortisol, Post ACTH (Variable) Fee Schedule

Cortisol, Post ACTH (Variable)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology CPK (DxC700AU) Details

CPK (DxC700AU)

Avoid hemolysis
Fee Schedule

CPK (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Creatinine (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Creatinine (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Differential Manual (Panel) Panel Tests

Differential Manual (Panel)

Panel Tests:
NEU Count (Visual) 1 day
Lymphs Count (Visual) 1 day
Monos Count (Visual) 1 day
EOS Count (Visual) 1 day
Baso Count (Visual) 1 day
Bands (Visual) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Differential Manual (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Freshly prepared blood smear, air dried only: no heat or alcohol fixing, not stained. EDTA tube 1/2 to 2/3 full of unclotted blood 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Digoxin (Sent to Idexx) Details

Digoxin (Sent to Idexx)

Collect sample in RTT only, do not use SST. Blood specimens for therapeutic drug-monitoring are typically drawn 6-8 hours post-dosing, 7-10 days after initiating therapy. The half-life of digoxin is approximately 30 hours in the dog, 39-78 hours in the cat, and 20 hours in the horse. A steady-state blood level is reached after five half-lives, typically 5-7 days in canine patients and 10 days in feline patients.
Fee Schedule

Digoxin (Sent to Idexx)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Electrolytes (Panel) Details

Electrolytes (Panel)

Avoid hemolysis, refrigerate
Panel Tests

Electrolytes (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Chloride (DxC700AU) 1 day
Sodium (DxC700AU) 1 day
Potassium (DxC700AU) 1 day
CO2 (Bicarbonate) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Calcium (DxC700AU) 1 day
Magnesium (DxC700AU) 1 day
Phosphorous (DxC700AU) 1 day
Anion Gap (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Electrolytes (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Equine GCT (Panel) Panel Tests

Equine GCT (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (Sent to University of CA at Davis) 10 days
Inhibin (Sent to University of CA at Davis) 10 days
Testosterone (Sent to University of CA at Davis) 10 days
Fee Schedule

Equine GCT (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Estradiol (Sent to Univ of TN) Fee Schedule

Estradiol (Sent to Univ of TN)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Estrone Sulfate (Sent to Cornell) Details

Estrone Sulfate (Sent to Cornell)

  1. Collect blood using a plain RTT without any additives (i.e. clot activators, no SST tubes, etc.)
  2. Allow adequate time for the blood to clot to ensure sufficient sample yield for testing and to avoid fibrin formation. Usually, at least 30 minutes or more is needed. Store blood in the refrigerator if time before centrifugation will be greater than 2 hours.
  3. Centrifuge specimen at a speed and time (~10 minutes) that allow for adequate separation and sample volume.
  4. After centrifugation, transfer the serum into a tube properly labeled and appropriate for shipping and/or frozen storage
  5. Store the aliquoted serum in a freezer prior to shipping especially if the time before pick up will be 12 hours or longer.
  6. Ship serum on cold packs, preferably using an overnight or 2 day courier service.

Collect serum at least 100 days after breeding.
Fee Schedule

Estrone Sulfate (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Fecal Cryptosporidia Stain (Acid fast stain) Fee Schedule

Fecal Cryptosporidia Stain (Acid fast stain)

Fee Schedule:
Fresh fecal sample 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Fecal Egg Count (McMaster's) Fee Schedule

Fecal Egg Count (McMaster's)

Fee Schedule:
5 g fresh feces 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Fecal Exam-Floatation Crypto (Panel) Details

Fecal Exam-Floatation Crypto (Panel)

Fecal sample should be placed in a plastic bag, rolled and sealed to eliminate exposure to air. Storage at 2-8°C is recommended.
Panel Tests

Fecal Exam-Floatation Crypto (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Fecal Cryptosporidia Stain (Acid fast stain) 1 day
Fecal Flotation (Variable) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Fecal Exam-Floatation Crypto (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
5 g fresh fecal sample 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Fecal Flotation (Variable) Details

Fecal Flotation (Variable)

Fecal sample should be placed in a plastic bag, rolled and sealed to eliminate exposure to air. Storage at 2-8°C is recommended.
Fee Schedule

Fecal Flotation (Variable)

Fee Schedule:
5 g fresh fecal sample 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Fibrinogen (Quantitative) (Heat Precipitation) Details

Fibrinogen (Quantitative) (Heat Precipitation)

EDTA is the anticoagulant of choice for this test. Use of other anticoagulants may affect accuracy of this test. This test cannot be run on extremely hemolyzed or clotted samples.
Fee Schedule

Fibrinogen (Quantitative) (Heat Precipitation)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Plasma or 3 mL unclotted EDTA 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Fluid Analysis Panel (Panel) Details

Fluid Analysis Panel (Panel)

Clotted or extremely viscous samples will not receive WBC counts due to limitations of the instrument. Protein, specific gravity and pH testing will be compromised by the presence of large amounts of blood in the sample.
Panel Tests

Fluid Analysis Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Fluid Color (Visual) 1 day
Fluid Transparency (Visual) 1 day
Fluid Amount (Visual) 1 day
Specific Gravity (Refractometer) 1 day
pH (Variable) 1 day
Protein (Refractometer) 1 day
WBC (XN 1000V) 1 day
RBC (XN 1000V) 1 day
MN Absolute (XN 1000V)  
PMN Absolute (XN 1000V)  
TC-BF Absolute (XN 1000V)  
Fee Schedule

Fluid Analysis Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Fluid 2 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Free T4 (Immulite) Details

Free T4 (Immulite)

Do not send whole blood. Serum is the preferred sample type.
  1. Collect blood using a plain red-top collection tube without any additives (i.e. clot activators, no SST tubes, etc.).
  2. Allow adequate time for the blood to clot to ensure sufficient sample yield for testing and to avoid fibrin formation. Usually, at least 30 minutes or more is needed. Store blood in the refrigerator if time before centrifugation will be greater than 2 hours.
  3. Centrifuge specimen at a speed and time (~10 minutes) that allow for adequate separation and sample volume.
  4. After centrifugation, transfer the serum into a tube appropriate for shipping and/or frozen storage
  5. Store the aliquoted serum in a freezer prior to shipping especially if the time before pick up will be 12 hours or longer.
  6. Ship serum on cold packs, preferably using an overnight service.
  7. Do not use serum separator tubes (SST) for sample collection, shipping or as a storage tube. Some brands have clotting additives that can interfere with the assays and affect test results. When these tubes are used for shipping after centrifugation, the gel barrier can dislodge during transit, and this will usually ruin the sample. Do not send severely hemolyzed or lipemic samples.

Fee Schedule

Free T4 (Immulite)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Free T4 (Equilibrium Dialysis) (Sent to Michigan St) Fee Schedule

Free T4 (Equilibrium Dialysis) (Sent to Michigan St)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Fructosamine (DxC700AU) Details

Fructosamine (DxC700AU)

Serum fructosamine concentrations correlate with the average blood glucose concentrations over the previous two to three weeks.
Fee Schedule

Fructosamine (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Giardia/Crypto DFA (Panel) Details

Giardia/Crypto DFA (Panel)

Unfixed specimens should be kept refrigerated until packaging and shipped on ice with overnight delivery.
Panel Tests

Giardia/Crypto DFA (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Giardia (Fluorescent Antibody Test) 2 days
Cryptosporidia (Fluorescent Antibody Test) 2 days
Fee Schedule

Giardia/Crypto DFA (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
5 gm fresh feces. Optimal specimen is 4:1 dilution of 10% formalin to feces fixed within 2 hours of defecation. Additional unfixed specimen needed for the zinc sulfate flotation which is included with this test. 2 days F
Clinical Pathology Globulin (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Globulin (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
Calculated 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Glucose (DxC700AU) Details

Glucose (DxC700AU)

Allow sample to clot, then immediately spin and remove serum.
Fee Schedule

Glucose (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Glucose Panel Cornell (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Glucose Panel Cornell (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology IgG (Glutaraldehyde Coagulation) Fee Schedule

IgG (Glutaraldehyde Coagulation)

Fee Schedule:
1.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology IgG (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

IgG (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Inhibin (Sent to University of CA at Davis) Fee Schedule

Inhibin (Sent to University of CA at Davis)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Insulin (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Insulin (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
  6 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Insulin - Glucose (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel) Details

Insulin - Glucose (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel)

Test should be drawn when animal is hypoglycemic which may require an 8 hour fast.
Samples should ideally be drawn when the blood glucose level is less than 60 mg/dL when evaluating for insulinoma. Spin and separate the serum within 30-60 minutes of blood draw.
Interferences with this test include hemolysis, lipemia, radioactive compounds, insulin therapy, glycolysis occurring from incomplete separation of cells from sample.
Panel Tests

Insulin - Glucose (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Insulin (Sent to Idexx) 10 days
Glucose (Sent to Idexx) 10 days
Insulin-Glucose Ratio (Sent to Idexx) 10 days
Fee Schedule

Insulin - Glucose (Sent to IDEXX) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 (Sent to Michigan St) Fee Schedule

Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 (Sent to Michigan St)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Insulin-Glucose Ratio (Sent to Idexx) Fee Schedule

Insulin-Glucose Ratio (Sent to Idexx)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Insulin-Glucose Ratio (Sent to Idexx) Fee Schedule

Insulin-Glucose Ratio (Sent to Idexx)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Ionized Calcium (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Ionized Calcium (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Ionized Calcium (Sent to Michigan St) Details

Ionized Calcium (Sent to Michigan St)

Blood samples should be collected into non-anticoagulant (plain red top) tubes without allowing contact with air (i.e. insert needle through cap and allow vacuum to fill tube). The sample should then be centrifuged and the serum removed anaerobically (using an evacuated needle and syringe through the tube cap) and placed into a second non-anticoagulant tube (once again, inserting the needle through the cap of the tube). The tubes should not be uncapped under any circumstances. Keep the serum cool at all times. Analysis should be performed within 48 hours after collection for optimal results. For best results, the serum should be frozen and shipped overnight on dry ice.
Frozen samples stable for 7 days from collection.
Fee Schedule

Ionized Calcium (Sent to Michigan St)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL serum (See Notes for special collection information). 6 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Itraconazole Level Bioassay (Mira Vista Diagnostics) Fee Schedule

Itraconazole Level Bioassay (Mira Vista Diagnostics)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Kidney Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Kidney Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Glucose (DxC700AU) 1 day
BUN (DxC700AU) 1 day
Creatinine (DxC700AU) 1 day
Potassium (DxC700AU) 1 day
Total Protein (DxC700AU) 1 day
Albumin (ALB) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Globulin (DxC700AU) 1 day
A/G Ratio (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Kidney Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Knott’s Filter Test (Microfilaria) (Slide Exam) Details

Knott’s Filter Test (Microfilaria) (Slide Exam)

It is highly recommended that at least 2 mL of fresh, whole blood be submitted for testing. Submission of freshly drawn samples allows for observation of the movement patterns of living microfilaria, aiding in a more precise identification.
Fee Schedule

Knott’s Filter Test (Microfilaria) (Slide Exam)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL whole, unclotted blood 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology LDH (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

LDH (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Levetiracetam (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Levetiracetam (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Lipase (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Lipase (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Liver Panel (Panel) Details

Liver Panel (Panel)

GGT for large animals, ALT for small animals
Panel Tests

Liver Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Glucose (DxC700AU) 1 day
BUN (DxC700AU) 1 day
Cholesterol (DxC700AU) 1 day
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Bilirubin, Total (DxC700AU) 1 day
Bilirubin, Direct (DxC700AU) 1 day
ALT (SGPT) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Total Protein (DxC700AU) 1 day
Albumin (ALB) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Bilirubin, Indirect (DxC700AU) 1 day
Globulin (DxC700AU) 1 day
A/G Ratio (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Liver Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Magnesium (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Magnesium (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Micro Protein (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Micro Protein (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Occult Blood, Fecal (Hema-Chek kit) Fee Schedule

Occult Blood, Fecal (Hema-Chek kit)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Pancreatic Group (Panel) Panel Tests

Pancreatic Group (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Glucose (DxC700AU) 1 day
Lipase (DxC700AU) 1 day
Amylase (AMY) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Pancreatic Group (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity (Sent to Idexx) Details

Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity (Sent to Idexx)

Mild, clinically insignificant increases in levels may be seen following feeding in healthy dogs. Therefore, an overnight fast is ideal when comparing values across time, but is not essential for accurate diagnosis in acutely sick animals. Fasting samples are preferred in feline patients.
This is the preferred test for diagnosis of pancreatitis. The trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) assay is the test of choice for diagnosis of exocrine pancreatitic insufficiency (EPI).
Fee Schedule

Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity (Sent to Idexx)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 4 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Parasite ID (Slide Exam) Fee Schedule

Parasite ID (Slide Exam)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Parathyroid / Ionized Calcium (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel) Details

Parathyroid / Ionized Calcium (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Available for canine, equine and feline patients.
Avoid hemolysis or lipemia. Sample should be drawn into red top tube after fasting (overnight). Allow serum to clot for 30 to 60 min prior to separation. Refrigerate or freeze sample prior to shipment. Ship on ice, overnight, must arrive cold (below 60°F) at lab.
Panel Tests

Parathyroid / Ionized Calcium (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) (Sent to Michigan St) 7 days
Ionized Calcium (Sent to Michigan St) 6 days
Fee Schedule

Parathyroid / Ionized Calcium (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL frozen serum 7 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Phenobarbital (PHE) (DxC700AU) Details

Phenobarbital (PHE) (DxC700AU)

Peak levels occur 6 to 8 hours post pill. Trough levels occur immediately prior to the next pill may be helpful. In most patients, steady state is achieved after 2 to 3 weeks of consistent dosing with phenobarbital. Once steady state is achieved, timing of sample collection is not important in more than 90% of animals.
Fee Schedule

Phenobarbital (PHE) (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum (No SST) 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Phosphorous (DxC700AU) Details

Phosphorous (DxC700AU)

Renal insufficiency will increase levels; avoid hemolysis
Fee Schedule

Phosphorous (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Potassium (DxC700AU) Details

Potassium (DxC700AU)

Avoid hemolysis
Fee Schedule

Potassium (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Pre-Op Group (Panel) Details

Pre-Op Group (Panel)

GGT for large animals, ALT for small animals
Panel Tests

Pre-Op Group (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Glucose (DxC700AU) 1 day
BUN (DxC700AU) 1 day
ALT (SGPT) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Total Protein (DxC700AU) 1 day
Albumin (ALB) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Globulin (DxC700AU) 1 day
A/G Ratio (DxC700AU) 1 day
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Pre-Op Group (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (Sent to BET Labs) Fee Schedule

Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (Sent to BET Labs)

Fee Schedule:
  15 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Progesterone (Immulite) Details

Progesterone (Immulite)

For best results, do not use SST tubes, separate serum from clot within 2 hours of collection.
Do not send whole blood. Serum is the preferred sample type.
  1. Collect blood using a plain red-top collection tube without any additives (i.e. clot activators, no SST tubes, etc.).
  2. Allow adequate time for the blood to clot to ensure sufficient sample yield for testing and to avoid fibrin formation. Usually, at least 30 minutes or more is needed. Store blood in the refrigerator if time before centrifugation will be greater than 2 hours.
  3. Centrifuge specimen at a speed and time (~10 minutes) that allow for adequate separation and sample volume.
  4. After centrifugation, transfer the serum into a tube appropriate for shipping and/or frozen storage
  5. Store the aliquoted serum in a freezer prior to shipping especially if the time before pick up will be 12 hours or longer.
  6. Ship serum on cold packs, preferably using an overnight service.
  7. Do not use serum separator tubes (SST) for sample collection, shipping or as a storage tube. Some brands have clotting additives that can interfere with the assays and affect test results. When these tubes are used for shipping after centrifugation, the gel barrier can dislodge during transit, and this will usually ruin the sample. Do not send severely hemolyzed or lipemic samples.

Fee Schedule

Progesterone (Immulite)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Protein (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Protein (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology RBC Morphology (Visual) Fee Schedule

RBC Morphology (Visual)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology RBC parasite (Slide Exam) Details

RBC parasite (Slide Exam)

The most commonly found organisms in this area are as follows:
Felines: Mycoplasma hemofelis, Cytauxzoon felis
Canines: Babesia sp.
Bovines: Anaplasma marginale
Prolonged exposure to anticoagulants may cause many organisms to release from RBCs yielding false negative results. It is highly recommended that one or more slides be made at the clinic as quickly as possible after drawing the blood. Submit these slides unstained and unfixed.
Fee Schedule

RBC parasite (Slide Exam)

Fee Schedule:
1 or more unstained, unfixed blood smears required; additional whole blood recommended 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Relaxin (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Relaxin (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Retic Count (Panel) Details

Retic Count (Panel)

Submission of freshly prepared blood smear required for differentiation of bands. These slides should be aired dried only – no heat or alcohol fixing, or staining. Use of purple-top EDTA tubes is highly recommended for best results. Care should be taken when drawing samples to eliminate the possibility of hemolysis which lowers the total RBC count, thereby altering the calculated RBC indices.
Panel Tests

Retic Count (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Retic Absolute (XT-2000i) 1 day
Retic Count (XT-2000i) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Retic Count (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL whole blood (EDTA preferred) 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Rheumatoid Factor (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Rheumatoid Factor (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
1.0 mL separated serum or heparinized plasma 10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Semen Analysis (Panel) Details

Semen Analysis (Panel)

Samples need to be maintained at or very near testicular temperature prior to testing. Exposure to chilled air or containers can falsely elevate the number of secondary defects. Avoid testing bulls less than 12 months of age. Any bulls with a failing score should be retested no sooner than 60 days later.
Panel Tests

Semen Analysis (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Semen Color (Visual) 2 days
Semen Opacity (Visual) 1 day
Semen Motility Wave Motion (Visual) 1 day
Semen Motility (Visual) 1 day
Semen Percent Motility (Visual) 1 day
Semen Live (Visual) 2 days
Semen Dead (Visual) 2 days
Semen Morphology % Normal (Visual) 1 day
Semen Morphology % Abnormal (Visual) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Semen Analysis (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL freshly ejaculated semen 2 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Sodium (DxC700AU) Fee Schedule

Sodium (DxC700AU)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Somatic Milk Counts (Newman-Lampert stain) Details

Somatic Milk Counts (Newman-Lampert stain)

Clotted samples falsely lower WBC numbers and cannot be used for this test.
Fee Schedule

Somatic Milk Counts (Newman-Lampert stain)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL fresh unclotted milk (refrigerated) 2 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Stone Analysis (Panel) Details

Stone Analysis (Panel)

Stones should be cleaned and dried prior to submission. It is not necessary to submit in formalin, or other liquid. Doing so will require a prolonged cleaning and drying period prior to testing, delaying results.
Panel Tests

Stone Analysis (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Stone Color (Variable) 1 day
Stone Surface (Variable) 1 day
Stone Consistency (Variable) 1 day
Stone CO3= (Variable) 1 day
Stone Cystine (Variable) 1 day
Stone PO4= (Variable) 1 day
Stone Mg++ (Variable) 1 day
Stone Ca++ (Variable) 1 day
Stone NH4+ (Variable) 1 day
Stone Uric Acid (Variable) 1 day
Stone Oxalate (Variable) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Stone Analysis (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
50+ mg stone 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Symmetric dimethylarginine (Sent to Idexx) Fee Schedule

Symmetric dimethylarginine (Sent to Idexx)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology T3 (Immulite) Details

T3 (Immulite)

Do not send whole blood. Serum is the preferred sample type.
  1. Collect blood using a plain red-top collection tube without any additives (i.e. clot activators, no SST tubes, etc.).
  2. Allow adequate time for the blood to clot to ensure sufficient sample yield for testing and to avoid fibrin formation. Usually, at least 30 minutes or more is needed. Store blood in the refrigerator if time before centrifugation will be greater than 2 hours.
  3. Centrifuge specimen at a speed and time (~10 minutes) that allow for adequate separation and sample volume.
  4. After centrifugation, transfer the serum into a tube appropriate for shipping and/or frozen storage
  5. Store the aliquoted serum in a freezer prior to shipping especially if the time before pick up will be 12 hours or longer.
  6. Ship serum on cold packs, preferably using an overnight service.
  7. Do not use serum separator tubes (SST) for sample collection, shipping or as a storage tube. Some brands have clotting additives that can interfere with the assays and affect test results. When these tubes are used for shipping after centrifugation, the gel barrier can dislodge during transit, and this will usually ruin the sample. Do not send severely hemolyzed or lipemic samples.

Fee Schedule

T3 (Immulite)

Fee Schedule:
1.5 mL Serum 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology T4 (Immulite) Details

T4 (Immulite)

Do not send whole blood. Serum is the preferred sample type.
  1. Collect blood using a plain red-top collection tube without any additives (i.e. clot activators, no SST tubes, etc.).
  2. Allow adequate time for the blood to clot to ensure sufficient sample yield for testing and to avoid fibrin formation. Usually, at least 30 minutes or more is needed. Store blood in the refrigerator if time before centrifugation will be greater than 2 hours.
  3. Centrifuge specimen at a speed and time (~10 minutes) that allow for adequate separation and sample volume.
  4. After centrifugation, transfer the serum into a tube appropriate for shipping and/or frozen storage
  5. Store the aliquoted serum in a freezer prior to shipping especially if the time before pick up will be 12 hours or longer.
  6. Ship serum on cold packs, preferably using an overnight service.
  7. Do not use serum separator tubes (SST) for sample collection, shipping or as a storage tube. Some brands have clotting additives that can interfere with the assays and affect test results. When these tubes are used for shipping after centrifugation, the gel barrier can dislodge during transit, and this will usually ruin the sample. Do not send severely hemolyzed or lipemic samples.

Fee Schedule

T4 (Immulite)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Testosterone (Sent to Cornell) Details

Testosterone (Sent to Cornell)

Do not send whole blood. Serum is the preferred sample type.
  1. Collect blood using a plain red-top collection tube without any additives (i.e. clot activators, no SST tubes, etc.).
  2. Allow adequate time for the blood to clot to ensure sufficient sample yield for testing and to avoid fibrin formation. Usually, at least 30 minutes or more is needed. Store blood in the refrigerator if time before centrifugation will be greater than 2 hours.
  3. Centrifuge specimen at a speed and time (~10 minutes) that allow for adequate separation and sample volume.
  4. After centrifugation, transfer the serum into a tube appropriate for shipping and/or frozen storage
  5. Store the aliquoted serum in a freezer prior to shipping especially if the time before pick up will be 12 hours or longer.
  6. Ship serum on cold packs, preferably using an overnight service.
  7. Do not use serum separator tubes (SST) for sample collection, shipping or as a storage tube. Some brands have clotting additives that can interfere with the assays and affect test results. When these tubes are used for shipping after centrifugation, the gel barrier can dislodge during transit, and this will usually ruin the sample. Do not send severely hemolyzed or lipemic samples.

Fee Schedule

Testosterone (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Testosterone 1 HR post HCG (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Testosterone 1 HR post HCG (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
Clinical Pathology Testosterone 2 HR post HCG (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Testosterone 2 HR post HCG (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
Clinical Pathology Testosterone HCG Response Panel (Sent to Cornell) (Panel) Panel Tests

Testosterone HCG Response Panel (Sent to Cornell) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Testosterone (Sent to Cornell) 10 days
Testosterone 1 HR post HCG (Sent to Cornell)  
Testosterone 2 HR post HCG (Sent to Cornell)  
Fee Schedule

Testosterone HCG Response Panel (Sent to Cornell) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Thyroglobulin Autoantibody (Sent to Michigan St) Fee Schedule

Thyroglobulin Autoantibody (Sent to Michigan St)

Fee Schedule:
  6 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Thyroid Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Thyroid Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
TSH (Immulite) 1 day
Free T4 (Immulite) 1 day
T4 (Immulite) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Thyroid Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Thyroid Panel (Sent to Cornell) (Panel) Panel Tests

Thyroid Panel (Sent to Cornell) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
T3 (Immulite) 3 days
T4 (Immulite) 5 days
Free T4 (Equilibrium Dialysis) (Dialysis) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Thyroid Panel (Sent to Cornell) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Thyroid Panel (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel) Panel Tests

Thyroid Panel (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
T3 (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
Total T4 (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
Free T4 (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
TSH (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
Fee Schedule

Thyroid Panel (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Thyroid Panel w/autoantibodies OFA (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel) Panel Tests

Thyroid Panel w/autoantibodies OFA (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Free T4 (Equilibrium Dialysis) (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
T3 (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
T3 Autoantibody (Sent to Michigan St) 5 days
T4 Autoantibody (Sent to Michigan St) 5 days
Thyroglobin Autoantibody (Sent to Michigan St) 5 days
Total T4 (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
TSH (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
Fee Schedule

Thyroid Panel w/autoantibodies OFA (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Thyroid Panel with Autoantibodies (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel) Panel Tests

Thyroid Panel with Autoantibodies (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
T3 (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
Total T4 (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
Free T4 (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
TSH (Sent to Michigan St) 4 days
T3 Autoantibody (Sent to Michigan St) 5 days
T4 Autoantibody (Sent to Michigan St) 5 days
Thyroglobulin Autoantibody (Sent to Michigan St) 6 days
Fee Schedule

Thyroid Panel with Autoantibodies (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  6 days M-F
Clinical Pathology TLI (Canine) (Immulite) Details

TLI (Canine) (Immulite)

Do not send whole blood. Serum is the preferred sample type.
  1. Collect blood using a plain red-top collection tube without any additives (i.e. clot activators, no SST tubes, etc.).
  2. Allow adequate time for the blood to clot to ensure sufficient sample yield for testing and to avoid fibrin formation. Usually, at least 30 minutes or more is needed. Store blood in the refrigerator if time before centrifugation will be greater than 2 hours.
  3. Centrifuge specimen at a speed and time (~10 minutes) that allow for adequate separation and sample volume.
  4. After centrifugation, transfer the serum into a tube appropriate for shipping and/or frozen storage
  5. Store the aliquoted serum in a freezer prior to shipping especially if the time before pick up will be 12 hours or longer.
  6. Ship serum on cold packs, preferably using an overnight service.
  7. Do not use serum separator tubes (SST) for sample collection, shipping or as a storage tube. Some brands have clotting additives that can interfere with the assays and affect test results. When these tubes are used for shipping after centrifugation, the gel barrier can dislodge during transit, and this will usually ruin the sample. Do not send severely hemolyzed or lipemic samples.

Fee Schedule

TLI (Canine) (Immulite)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology TLI (Canine) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

TLI (Canine) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology TLI (Feline) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

TLI (Feline) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
1.0 mL non-hemolyzed serum 5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology TLI, Cobalamin and Folate Panel (Feline) (Panel) Panel Tests

TLI, Cobalamin and Folate Panel (Feline) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
TLI (Feline) (Sent to TVMDL) 5 days
Folate (Sent to TVMDL) 4 days
Cobalamin (Sent to TVMDL) 4 days
Fee Schedule

TLI, Cobalamin and Folate Panel (Feline) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology TLI, Cobalamin, and Folate (Canine) (Panel) Panel Tests

TLI, Cobalamin, and Folate (Canine) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
TLI (Canine) (Sent to TVMDL) 5 days
Cobalamin (Sent to TVMDL) 4 days
Folate (Sent to TVMDL) 4 days
Fee Schedule

TLI, Cobalamin, and Folate (Canine) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology TLI, Cobalamin, Folate (TVMDL GI) (Panel) Panel Tests

TLI, Cobalamin, Folate (TVMDL GI) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
TLI (Canine) (Sent to TVMDL GI)  
Cobalamin (Sent to TVMDL GI)  
Folate (Sent to TVMDL GI)  
Fee Schedule

TLI, Cobalamin, Folate (TVMDL GI) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Clinical Pathology TLI, PLI, Cobalamin, Folate (TVMDL GI) (Panel) Panel Tests

TLI, PLI, Cobalamin, Folate (TVMDL GI) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
TLI (Canine) (Sent to TVMDL GI)  
Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity (Sent to TVMDL) 5 days
Cobalamin (Sent to TVMDL GI)  
Folate (Sent to TVMDL GI)  
Fee Schedule

TLI, PLI, Cobalamin, Folate (TVMDL GI) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Total Estrogens (Sent to BET Labs) Fee Schedule

Total Estrogens (Sent to BET Labs)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Total Iron Binding Capacity (Sent to TVMDL) (Panel) Panel Tests

Total Iron Binding Capacity (Sent to TVMDL) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Iron (Sent to TVMDL) 4 days
Total Iron Binding Capacity (Sent to TVMDL) 4 days
Fee Schedule

Total Iron Binding Capacity (Sent to TVMDL) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Total Panel (Large Animal) (Panel) Panel Tests

Total Panel (Large Animal) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Glucose (DxC700AU) 1 day
BUN (DxC700AU) 1 day
Creatinine (DxC700AU) 1 day
Chloride (DxC700AU) 1 day
Sodium (DxC700AU) 1 day
Potassium (DxC700AU) 1 day
CO2 (Bicarbonate) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Calcium (DxC700AU) 1 day
Magnesium (DxC700AU) 1 day
Phosphorous (DxC700AU) 1 day
Cholesterol (DxC700AU) 1 day
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Bilirubin, Total (DxC700AU) 1 day
Bilirubin, Direct (DxC700AU) 1 day
AST (SGOT) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) (DxC700AU) 1 day
CPK (DxC700AU) 1 day
Osmolality (DxC700AU) 1 day
Total Protein (DxC700AU) 1 day
Albumin (ALB) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Globulin (DxC700AU) 1 day
A/G Ratio (DxC700AU) 1 day
Bilirubin, Indirect (DxC700AU) 1 day
Anion Gap (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Total Panel (Large Animal) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Total Panel (Small Animal) (Panel) Panel Tests

Total Panel (Small Animal) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Glucose (DxC700AU) 1 day
BUN (DxC700AU) 1 day
Creatinine (DxC700AU) 1 day
Chloride (DxC700AU) 1 day
Sodium (DxC700AU) 1 day
Potassium (DxC700AU) 1 day
CO2 (Bicarbonate) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Calcium (DxC700AU) 1 day
Phosphorous (DxC700AU) 1 day
Cholesterol (DxC700AU) 1 day
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Bilirubin, Total (DxC700AU) 1 day
Bilirubin, Direct (DxC700AU) 1 day
ALT (SGPT) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Lipase (DxC700AU) 1 day
Amylase (AMY) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Total Protein (DxC700AU) 1 day
Albumin (ALB) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Globulin (DxC700AU) 1 day
A/G Ratio (DxC700AU) 1 day
Anion Gap (DxC700AU) 1 day
Bilirubin, Indirect (DxC700AU) 1 day
Osmolality (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Total Panel (Small Animal) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Total Serum Calcium (Sent to Michigan St) Fee Schedule

Total Serum Calcium (Sent to Michigan St)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology TRH Response (Panel) Panel Tests

TRH Response (Panel)

Panel Tests:
TRH Base (Immulite) 7 days
TRH 10 post (Immulite) 7 days
TRH 30 post (Immulite) 7 days
Fee Schedule

TRH Response (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Triglycerides (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Triglycerides (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
1.0 mL serum after overnight fast 3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology TSH (Immulite) Details

TSH (Immulite)

Do not send whole blood. Serum is the preferred sample type.
  1. Collect blood using a plain red-top collection tube without any additives (i.e. clot activators, no SST tubes, etc.).
  2. Allow adequate time for the blood to clot to ensure sufficient sample yield for testing and to avoid fibrin formation. Usually, at least 30 minutes or more is needed. Store blood in the refrigerator if time before centrifugation will be greater than 2 hours.
  3. Centrifuge specimen at a speed and time (~10 minutes) that allow for adequate separation and sample volume.
  4. After centrifugation, transfer the serum into a tube appropriate for shipping and/or frozen storage
  5. Store the aliquoted serum in a freezer prior to shipping especially if the time before pick up will be 12 hours or longer.
  6. Ship serum on cold packs, preferably using an overnight service.
  7. Do not use serum separator tubes (SST) for sample collection, shipping or as a storage tube. Some brands have clotting additives that can interfere with the assays and affect test results. When these tubes are used for shipping after centrifugation, the gel barrier can dislodge during transit, and this will usually ruin the sample. Do not send severely hemolyzed or lipemic samples.

Fee Schedule

TSH (Immulite)

Fee Schedule:
0.5 mL Serum 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Urinalysis (Panel) Details

Urinalysis (Panel)

Samples taken by cystocentesis provide the most accurate sediment exam results as there is no contamination as urine exits the animal. Large amounts of red blood cells in the sample will preclude examination of a concentrated sediment exam.
Panel Tests

Urinalysis (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Fluid Color (Visual)  
Fluid Transparency (Visual)  
Specific Gravity (Refractometer) 1 day
Glucose (Clinitek Status) 1 day
Urine Bilirubin (Clinitek Status) 1 day
Ketones (Clinitek Status) 1 day
Occult Blood (Clinitek Status) 1 day
pH ( Variable) 1 day
Protein (Clinitek Status) 1 day
Urobilinogen (Clinitek Status) 1 day
WBC / hpf (Visual) 1 day
RBC / hpf (Visual) 1 day
Epithelial / hpf (Visual) 1 day
Spermatozoa (Visual) 1 day
Fat Droplets (Visual) 1 day
Mucus (Visual) 1 day
Bacteria (Visual) 1 day
Amorphous (Visual) 1 day
Casts / lpf (Visual) 1 day
Crystals (Visual) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Urinalysis (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
15 mL refrigerated urine 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Urine Cort Creat Ratio (Panel) Panel Tests

Urine Cort Creat Ratio (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Urine Cortisol (DxC700AU) 1 day
Urine Creatinine (DxC700AU) 1 day
Urine Cortisol / Creatinine Ratio (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Urine Cort Creat Ratio (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio (Sent to Cornell) (Panel) Details

Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio (Sent to Cornell) (Panel)

When UCCR is increased, an ACTH stimulation or LDDS test is need to confirm hyperadrenocorticism.
Interferences: spun sample, EDTA anticoagulants, recent corticosteroid therapy
A first morning urine sample obtained in the home environment is recommended.
Panel Tests

Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio (Sent to Cornell) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Urine Creatinine (Sent to Cornell) 5 days
Urine Cortisol (Sent to Cornell) 5 days
Urine Cortisol / Creatinine Ratio (Sent to Cornell)  
Fee Schedule

Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio (Sent to Cornell) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
5.0 mL urine 5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Urine Micro Albumin (Sent to Antech) Fee Schedule

Urine Micro Albumin (Sent to Antech)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio (Panel) Details

Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio (Panel)

Gross hematuria or pyuria may increase values; aged specimens may have decreased values.
Panel Tests

Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Creatinine (DxC700AU) 1 day
Micro Protein (DxC700AU) 1 day
Urine Protein / Creatinine Ratio (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2.0 mL urine collected in a sterile container 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Vitamin D Profile (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel) Panel Tests

Vitamin D Profile (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) (Sent to Michigan St) 7 days
Ionized Calcium (Sent to Michigan St) 6 days
25-Hydroxyvitamin D (Sent to Michigan St) 7 days
Fee Schedule

Vitamin D Profile (Sent to Michigan State) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Vitamin E (Sent to Michigan St) Fee Schedule

Vitamin E (Sent to Michigan St)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Clinical Pathology Vitreous Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Vitreous Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
BUN (A/V) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Creatinine (A/V) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Chloride (A/V) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Sodium (A/V) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Potassium (A/V) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Calcium (A/V) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Magnesium (A/V) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Phosphorous (A/V) (DxC700AU) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Vitreous Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
3 mL vitreous or aqueous fluid 1 day M-F
Clinical Pathology Von Willebrand Factor (Sent to Cornell) Details

Von Willebrand Factor (Sent to Cornell)

Draw sample into a sodium citrate (blue top) tube, centrifuge the whole blood sample for 10 to 15 minutes. Aspirate plasma and transfer to a clean plastic shipping tube. Store plasma frozen. Ship on cold packs for overnight delivery. DO NOT FREEZE WHOLE BLOOD
Fee Schedule

Von Willebrand Factor (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL citrated plasma 7 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) (Immunohistochemistry (IHC)) Fee Schedule

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) (Immunohistochemistry (IHC))

Fee Schedule:
obex 3 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (Sent to Univ of Wisconsin) Fee Schedule

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (Sent to Univ of Wisconsin)

Fee Schedule:
  50 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Cytology (Variable) Fee Schedule

Cytology (Variable)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Histopathology (Variable) [TieredEach Qty: 1 to 3] Details

Histopathology (Variable) [TieredEach Qty: 1 to 3]

Correct collection and transportation is important for correct diagnosis and treatment. Preservation of specimens begins in veterinary clinics.
  • Fixatives help maintain proper relationship between cells and extracellular substances such as connective tissue fibers and amorphous ground substances.
  • Staining is enhanced by proper fixation. Tissues not fixed properly will stain poorly making histological interpretation difficult.
  • At time of collection, place specimens immediately in 10% buffered formalin. Place specimens in container with 10X greater formalin volume than tissue volume. Formalin should be buffered and most common solution is phosphate buffer.
  • Use any plastic container with screw-on lid to seal against liquid leakage. Ex: urine sample cups or Johne’s tubes. Avoid whirl packs, zip-lock bags, or baby food jars. All are prone to leakage during shipping.
  • After specimen is placed in screw-top container, place in whirl pack or zip-lock bag with absorbent material to prevent further leakage.

Package fresh tissues with liberal quantities of refrigerant. Use sealed metal or plastic containers with ice or other frozen fluid. Allow two pounds of refrigerant per pound of fresh tissue submitted.
Fee Schedule

Histopathology (Variable) [TieredEach Qty: 1 to 3]

Fee Schedule:
TieredEach Qty: 1 to 3
Fixed Tissue, Fresh Tissue 4 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Histopathology (Variable) [TieredEach Qty: 4+] Details

Histopathology (Variable) [TieredEach Qty: 4+]

Correct collection and transportation is important for correct diagnosis and treatment. Preservation of specimens begins in veterinary clinics.
  • Fixatives help maintain proper relationship between cells and extracellular substances such as connective tissue fibers and amorphous ground substances.
  • Staining is enhanced by proper fixation. Tissues not fixed properly will stain poorly making histological interpretation difficult.
  • At time of collection, place specimens immediately in 10% buffered formalin. Place specimens in container with 10X greater formalin volume than tissue volume. Formalin should be buffered and most common solution is phosphate buffer.
  • Use any plastic container with screw-on lid to seal against liquid leakage. Ex: urine sample cups or Johne’s tubes. Avoid whirl packs, zip-lock bags, or baby food jars. All are prone to leakage during shipping.
  • After specimen is placed in screw-top container, place in whirl pack or zip-lock bag with absorbent material to prevent further leakage.

Package fresh tissues with liberal quantities of refrigerant. Use sealed metal or plastic containers with ice or other frozen fluid. Allow two pounds of refrigerant per pound of fresh tissue submitted.
Fee Schedule

Histopathology (Variable) [TieredEach Qty: 4+]

Fee Schedule:
TieredEach Qty: 4+
Fixed Tissue, Fresh Tissue 4 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Immunohistochemistry (Immunohistochemistry (IHC)) [Each Qty: 1 to 2] Fee Schedule

Immunohistochemistry (Immunohistochemistry (IHC)) [Each Qty: 1 to 2]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 1 to 2
  10 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Immunohistochemistry (Immunohistochemistry (IHC)) [Each Qty: 3 to 5] Fee Schedule

Immunohistochemistry (Immunohistochemistry (IHC)) [Each Qty: 3 to 5]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 3 to 5
  10 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Immunohistochemistry (Immunohistochemistry (IHC)) [Each Qty: 6+] Fee Schedule

Immunohistochemistry (Immunohistochemistry (IHC)) [Each Qty: 6+]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 6+
  10 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Necropsy (Necropsy) Details

Necropsy (Necropsy)

Please note : If this is a herd/flock health issue, choose samples that represents current problem.
Fee Schedule

Necropsy (Necropsy)

Fee Schedule:
Large and small animal – deceased animal/cadaver only. No live animals are accepted., Poultry – deceased bird/cadaver or live bird 2 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy PCR for Antigen Receptor Rearrangement (Sent to NCSU) Fee Schedule

PCR for Antigen Receptor Rearrangement (Sent to NCSU)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy PCR for Antigen Receptor Rearrangement (Sent to NCSU) Fee Schedule

PCR for Antigen Receptor Rearrangement (Sent to NCSU)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Rabies (FA) Fee Schedule

Rabies (FA)

Fee Schedule:
Head with INTACT BRAIN 1 day M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Slide Preparation (Slide Preparation) [Group Qty: 1 to 24] Details

Slide Preparation (Slide Preparation) [Group Qty: 1 to 24]

Price is $21 for less than 25 specimens and $15 for 25 or more specimens.
Fee Schedule

Slide Preparation (Slide Preparation) [Group Qty: 1 to 24]

Fee Schedule:
Group Qty: 1 to 24
  2 days M-F
Histopathology / Necropsy Slide Preparation (Slide Preparation) [Group Qty: 25+] Details

Slide Preparation (Slide Preparation) [Group Qty: 25+]

Price is $21 for less than 25 specimens and $15 for 25 or more specimens.
Fee Schedule

Slide Preparation (Slide Preparation) [Group Qty: 25+]

Fee Schedule:
Group Qty: 25+
  2 days M-F
Microbiology Aerobic Culture (Aerobic Culture) Details

Aerobic Culture (Aerobic Culture)

For the most accurate test results, please keep the samples refrigerated/cold until received at the laboratory.
Fee Schedule

Aerobic Culture (Aerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
Commercial transport media (liquid or gel), fresh tissues and feces 7 days M-F
Microbiology Anaerobic Culture (Anaerobic culture) Details

Anaerobic Culture (Anaerobic culture)

For the most accurate test results, please keep the samples refrigerated/cold until received at the laboratory.
Fee Schedule

Anaerobic Culture (Anaerobic culture)

Fee Schedule:
Commercial transport media (liquid or gel), fresh tissues and feces 7 days M-F
Microbiology Antibiotic susceptibility (MIC) (MIC) Fee Schedule

Antibiotic susceptibility (MIC) (MIC)

Fee Schedule:
Aerobic bacterial isolate 7 days M-F
Microbiology Blood Culture (Aerobic and Anaerobic Culture) Details

Blood Culture (Aerobic and Anaerobic Culture)

If aerobic culture requested only, then please submit a TSA blood bottle. If anaerobic culture requested, please submit both a TSA and Columbia blood bottle.
Fee Schedule

Blood Culture (Aerobic and Anaerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
Pre-inoculated blood culture bottle 10 days M-F
Microbiology Brucella Culture (Blood) (Aerobic Culture) Fee Schedule

Brucella Culture (Blood) (Aerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
Pre-inoculated TSA blood culture bottle 20 days M-F
Microbiology Brucella Culture (Tissue) (Aerobic Culture) Fee Schedule

Brucella Culture (Tissue) (Aerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
Reproductive tissues; placenta; stomach contents lymph node; milk 20 days M-F
Microbiology Bulk-Tank Milk (Panel) Panel Tests

Bulk-Tank Milk (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Standard Plate Count (Aerobic Culture) 2 days
DELVO (Variable) 7 days
LPC (Std. Plate) 1 day
Somatic Milk Counts (Newman-Lampert stain) 2 days
Mycoplasma genus (PCR) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Bulk-Tank Milk (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2mL fresh, unfrozen milk 7 days M-F
Microbiology Direct Exam (Visual) Details

Direct Exam (Visual)

Trichomonas pouches are available from the laboratory. Turn around for Trichomonas only is 7 days.
Fee Schedule

Direct Exam (Visual)

Fee Schedule:
Pre-cultured colony; Tritichomonas pouch; liquid matrix 2 days M-F
Microbiology Fecal Coliform Count (Enterobactericiae of fecal/intestinal orgin) (Variable) Details

Fecal Coliform Count (Enterobactericiae of fecal/intestinal orgin) (Variable)

For the most accurate test results, please keep the samples refrigerated/cold until received at the laboratory. Please ensure they are received soon after collected.
Fee Schedule

Fecal Coliform Count (Enterobactericiae of fecal/intestinal orgin) (Variable)

Fee Schedule:
500 mL Water 5 days M-F
Microbiology Fungal ID (Sent out) Fee Schedule

Fungal ID (Sent out)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Microbiology Listeria (Aerobic Culture) Details

Listeria (Aerobic Culture)

A handful of silage is a sufficient amount for testing.
Fee Schedule

Listeria (Aerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
Brain, placenta, silage 35 days M-F
Microbiology Mastitis (Aerobic Culture) Details

Mastitis (Aerobic Culture)

100 or more samples may require additional time.
Fee Schedule

Mastitis (Aerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
Composite / quarter milk samples in sterile tubes 5 days M-F
Microbiology Mold Count (Fungal culture) Details

Mold Count (Fungal culture)

A handful of silage is a sufficient amount for testing.
It may require more than 3 days if identification of the culture is needed.
Fee Schedule

Mold Count (Fungal culture)

Fee Schedule:
Silage, mold 3 days M-F
Microbiology Mycology (Fungal culture) Details

Mycology (Fungal culture)

Toothbrush collection is preferred.
Fee Schedule

Mycology (Fungal culture)

Fee Schedule:
Hair, skin scrapings 35 days M-F
Microbiology Pasteurella Serotyping (Sent to UGA) Fee Schedule

Pasteurella Serotyping (Sent to UGA)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Microbiology Poultry Neonatal Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Poultry Neonatal Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Aspergillus Count (Fungal culture) 5 days
Poultry Bacterial Count (Aerobic Culture) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Poultry Neonatal Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Yolk Sac, Lung 5 days M-F
Microbiology Salmonella enteritidis phage typing (Sent to NVSL) Fee Schedule

Salmonella enteritidis phage typing (Sent to NVSL)

Fee Schedule:
Salmonella enteritidis bacterial isolate 20 days M-F
Microbiology Salmonella Environmental Culture (Aerobic Culture) Fee Schedule

Salmonella Environmental Culture (Aerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
Approved NPIP environmental material 21 days M-F
Microbiology Salmonella Serotyping (Sent to NVSL) Details

Salmonella Serotyping (Sent to NVSL)

Isolates are sent at least once a month.
Fee Schedule

Salmonella Serotyping (Sent to NVSL)

Fee Schedule:
Salmonella Isolate 80 days M-F
Microbiology Standard Plate Count (Aerobic Culture) Fee Schedule

Standard Plate Count (Aerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Microbiology Urine Culture (Aerobic Culture) Fee Schedule

Urine Culture (Aerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
Urine/Urine swab 7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (PCR) Details

Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (PCR)

Aerobic isolation in bacteriology must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Fee Schedule

Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics African Swine Fever (qPCR) Fee Schedule

African Swine Fever (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Anaplasma & Ehrlichia species Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Anaplasma & Ehrlichia species Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Anaplasma species (Sent to NCSU)  
Ehrlichia Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Fee Schedule

Anaplasma & Ehrlichia species Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Molecular Diagnostics Anaplasma marginale (PCR) Fee Schedule

Anaplasma marginale (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Research only) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Research only) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) (Panel) Details

Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) (Panel)

Please submit all swabs for PCR viral analysis in BHI transport media (transport media available from BVC).
Panel Tests

Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Fee Schedule

Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Oropharyngeal or cloacal swabs submitted in viral transport media M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Avian Leukosis Virus subgroup J (PCR) Fee Schedule

Avian Leukosis Virus subgroup J (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Muscle; spleen; liver; lymph node tissue 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Avian Metapneumovirus (Sent to NVSL) Fee Schedule

Avian Metapneumovirus (Sent to NVSL)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Avian Reovirus (REO) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Avian Reovirus (REO) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Avibacterium paragallinarum (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Avibacterium paragallinarum (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics BCV/BRV Duplex PCR (PCR) Fee Schedule


Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Bluetongue (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Bluetongue (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Lung, spleen 3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Bordatella bronchiseptica (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Bordatella bronchiseptica (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Borrelia Burgdorferi (Research only) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Borrelia Burgdorferi (Research only) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Borrelia Species (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Borrelia Species (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Botulism (Sent to NVSL) Fee Schedule

Botulism (Sent to NVSL)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Bovine Respiratory Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Bovine Respiratory Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV) (qPCR) 3 days
Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) (qPCR) 4 days
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBRV) (qPCR) 3 days
Mycoplasma bovis (PCR) 5 days
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) (qPCR) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Bovine Respiratory Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Lung, feces, ear-notch, whole blood (EDTA) or serum 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Brachyspira (Panel) Details

Brachyspira (Panel)

Aerobic isolation in Bacteriology or isolation in cell culture must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Panel Tests

Brachyspira (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Brachyspira hyodysentery (PCR) 5 days
Brachyspira pilosicoli (PCR) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Brachyspira (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Feces or intestines 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Brucella canis (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Brucella canis (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Blood culture 2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Brucella genus (PCR) Details

Brucella genus (PCR)

Anaerobic isolation in bacteriology must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Fee Schedule

Brucella genus (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Placenta; reproductive organs; culture 12 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Bulk-Tank Milk (Panel) Panel Tests

Bulk-Tank Milk (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Standard Plate Count (Aerobic Culture) 2 days
DELVO (Variable) 7 days
LPC (Std. Plate) 1 day
Somatic Milk Counts (Newman-Lampert stain) 2 days
Mycoplasma genus (PCR) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Bulk-Tank Milk (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2mL fresh, unfrozen milk 7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Campylobacter hepaticus PCR (PCR Sent to PDRC) Fee Schedule

Campylobacter hepaticus PCR (PCR Sent to PDRC)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Campylobacter Panel - Abortion (Panel) Panel Tests

Campylobacter Panel - Abortion (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Campylobacter fetus (PCR) 5 days
Campylobacter venerealis (PCR) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Campylobacter Panel - Abortion (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Placenta or fetal tissues 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Campylobacter Panel - Fecal (Panel) Panel Tests

Campylobacter Panel - Fecal (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Campylobacter coli (PCR) 7 days
Campylobacter jejuni (PCR) 7 days
Fee Schedule

Campylobacter Panel - Fecal (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Feces or intestines 7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Canine Coronavirus (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Canine Coronavirus (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Canine Distemper Virus (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Canine Distemper Virus (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Canine Distemper Virus PCR (Sent to KSU) Fee Schedule

Canine Distemper Virus PCR (Sent to KSU)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Canine Herpesvirus (Type 1) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Canine Herpesvirus (Type 1) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Canine Influenza (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Canine Influenza (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Canine Influenza Virus Subtyping (qPCR) (Sent to ISU) Fee Schedule

Canine Influenza Virus Subtyping (qPCR) (Sent to ISU)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Canine Parainfluenza Virus (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Canine Parainfluenza Virus (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Canine Respiratory Panel (TVMDL) (Panel) Panel Tests

Canine Respiratory Panel (TVMDL) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) 3 days
Canine Coronavirus (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) 3 days
Canine Distemper Virus (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) 3 days
Canine Herpesvirus (Type 1) (Sent to TVMDL) 3 days
Canine Influenza (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) 3 days
Canine Parainfluenza Virus (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) 3 days
Bordatella bronchiseptica (TVMDL) (Sent to TVMDL) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Canine Respiratory Panel (TVMDL) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Chicken Infectious Anemia Virus (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Chicken Infectious Anemia Virus (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Chlamydiophila psittaci (PCR) Fee Schedule

Chlamydiophila psittaci (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Lung, conjuctival, cloacal, or choanal swab, fetal tissues 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSF) (PCR) Details

Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSF) (PCR)

Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Fee Schedule

Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSF) (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Tonsil 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Clostridioides difficile toxin detection (PCR) Details

Clostridioides difficile toxin detection (PCR)

If a ‘non-isolated’ sample is received, the sample will be cultured at the anaerobic culture price.
Fee Schedule

Clostridioides difficile toxin detection (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Clostridium difficile isolates from anaerobic culture 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Clostridium perfringens toxin detection (PCR) Details

Clostridium perfringens toxin detection (PCR)

If a ‘non-isolated’ sample is received, the sample will be cultured at the anaerobic culture price.
Fee Schedule

Clostridium perfringens toxin detection (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Clostridium perfringens isolates from anaerobic culture 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Coxiella burnetii (PCR) Fee Schedule

Coxiella burnetii (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Placenta or fetal tissues 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Cryptosporidia (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Cryptosporidia (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Duck Adenovirus A (Sent to NVSL) Fee Schedule

Duck Adenovirus A (Sent to NVSL)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Duck Parvovirus (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Duck Parvovirus (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics E. coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening (qPCR) Fee Schedule

E. coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus (Research Only) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus (Research Only) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis (EEE) (PCR) (Sent to NVSL) Fee Schedule

Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis (EEE) (PCR) (Sent to NVSL)

Fee Schedule:
Brain 3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Ehrlichia Chaffeensis (Research Only) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Ehrlichia Chaffeensis (Research Only) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Enteric Porcine (Panel) Panel Tests

Enteric Porcine (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) Virus (qPCR) (Sent to ISU) 7 days
Porcine Deltacoronavirus (qPCR) 1 day
Transmissable Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) (qPCR) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Enteric Porcine (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 and 4 (PCR) Details

Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 and 4 (PCR)

Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Fee Schedule

Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 and 4 (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Lung; tracheal wash/swab; nasal swab; EDTA blood (min. 10mL); culture 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Escherichia coli Adhesion and Toxin Detection (PCR) Details

Escherichia coli Adhesion and Toxin Detection (PCR)

If a ‘non-isolated’ sample is received, the sample will be cultured at the anaerobic culture price.
Fee Schedule

Escherichia coli Adhesion and Toxin Detection (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Pure bacterial isolate of E. coli. 12 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Escherichia coli O157:H7 (qPCR) [Each Qty: 1 to 4] Fee Schedule

Escherichia coli O157:H7 (qPCR) [Each Qty: 1 to 4]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 1 to 4
  2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Escherichia coli O157:H7 (qPCR) [Each Qty: 5 to 10] Fee Schedule

Escherichia coli O157:H7 (qPCR) [Each Qty: 5 to 10]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 5 to 10
  2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Escherichia coli O157:H7 (qPCR) [Each Qty: 11+] Fee Schedule

Escherichia coli O157:H7 (qPCR) [Each Qty: 11+]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 11+
  2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Feline Tick Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Feline Tick Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Lyme Disease (ELISA) 1 day
Ehrlichia canis (ELISA) 1 day
Anaplasmosis (cELISA) 7 days
Dirofilariasis (Occult Heartworm) (ELISA) 1 day
Anaplasma Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Anaplasma platys (Sent to NCSU)  
Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Sent to NCSU)  
Babesia Genus (Sent to NCSU) 5 days
Apicomplexa (Sent to NCSU)  
Cytauxzoon Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Bartonella Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Ehrlichia Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Hemotropic Mycoplasma Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Rickettsia Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Bartonella Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Fee Schedule

Feline Tick Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Foot and Mouth Disease (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Foot and Mouth Disease (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Lesion swab submitted in viral transport media. 3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Fowl Adenovirus A (PCR) Fee Schedule

Fowl Adenovirus A (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Franscisella Tularensis (research only) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Franscisella Tularensis (research only) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Glaesserella parasuis (PCR) Details

Glaesserella parasuis (PCR)

Aerobic isolation in Bacteriology or isolation in cell culture must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Fee Schedule

Glaesserella parasuis (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 12 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Histophilus somni (PCR) Details

Histophilus somni (PCR)

Aerobic isolation in bacteriology must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Fee Schedule

Histophilus somni (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 12 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics IAV H5 H7 (Panel) Panel Tests

IAV H5 H7 (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Influenza Virus (IAV) H5 (qPCR) 2 days
Influenza Virus (IAV) H7 (qPCR) 2 days
Fee Schedule

IAV H5 H7 (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBRV) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBRV) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Respiratory specimen, fetal tissues, conjuctival swab 3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine Virus Speciation (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine Virus Speciation (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Molecular Diagnostics Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) (PCR) Details

Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) (PCR)

Please submit all swabs for PCR viral analysis in BHI transport media (transport media available from BVC).
Fee Schedule

Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Trachea, traceal swab 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Influenza A (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Influenza A (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Influenza A (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Influenza A (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Influenza A (qPCR) (Sent to ISU) Fee Schedule

Influenza A (qPCR) (Sent to ISU)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics La Crosse Virus (research only) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

La Crosse Virus (research only) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Lawsonia intracellularis (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Lawsonia intracellularis (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Intestinal tissue, 10 g feces 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Leptospirosis (pathogenic serovar detection) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Leptospirosis (pathogenic serovar detection) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Kidney, placenta, fetal tissues, 10 mL fresh urine, 10 mL urine w/ 0.5% formalin 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Listeria genus, L. monocytogenes (qPCR) Details

Listeria genus, L. monocytogenes (qPCR)

Aerobic isolation in Bacteriology or isolation in cell culture must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Fee Schedule

Listeria genus, L. monocytogenes (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Malignant Catarrhal Fever (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Malignant Catarrhal Fever (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
Molecular Diagnostics Marek (Sent to Arkansas Veterinary Diagnostic Lab) Fee Schedule

Marek (Sent to Arkansas Veterinary Diagnostic Lab)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Moraxella (PCR) (Panel) Details

Moraxella (PCR) (Panel)

For direct PCR from swabs, submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Panel Tests

Moraxella (PCR) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Moraxella bovis (Real-Time PCR) 4 days
Moraxella bovoculi (Real-Time PCR) 4 days
Moraxella ovis (Real-Time PCR) 4 days
Fee Schedule

Moraxella (PCR) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
For PCR directly from swabs: Synthetic swab in sterile sealed vials with a few drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI. Gel swabs may be used for bacterial culture only. After culture, confirmation of identification may be made by PCR. 4 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Mosquito Identification (research only) (Microscopic Exam) Fee Schedule

Mosquito Identification (research only) (Microscopic Exam)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Mycobacterium genus (PCR) Fee Schedule

Mycobacterium genus (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Lung, feces, lymph node 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Johne's) (qPCR) Details

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Johne's) (qPCR)

If performed from a culture, the turn-around time will be approximately 60 days.
If performed from fecal material, turn-around time will be 5 days.
Fee Schedule

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Johne's) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
10g feces 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Mycoplasma genus (PCR) Details

Mycoplasma genus (PCR)

Please submit all swabs for PCR viral analysis in BHI transport media (transport media available from BVC).
Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Fee Schedule

Mycoplasma genus (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Respiratory specimen, conjunctival swab, milk, bulk tank milk 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Mycoplasma Panel - Avian (Panel) Details

Mycoplasma Panel - Avian (Panel)

Please submit all swabs for PCR viral analysis in BHI transport media (transport media available from BVC).
Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Panel Tests

Mycoplasma Panel - Avian (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Mycoplasma genus (PCR) 5 days
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (PCR) 5 days
Mycoplasma synoviae (PCR) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Mycoplasma Panel - Avian (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Oropharyngeal swab submitted in viral transport media 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Mycoplasma Panel - Bovine (Panel) Details

Mycoplasma Panel - Bovine (Panel)

Please submit all swabs for PCR viral analysis in BHI transport media (transport media available from BVC).
Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Panel Tests

Mycoplasma Panel - Bovine (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Mycoplasma genus (PCR) 5 days
Mycoplasma bovis (PCR) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Mycoplasma Panel - Bovine (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Respiratory specimen, conjunctival swab, milk, bulk tank milk 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Mycoplasma Panel - Feline (Panel) Panel Tests

Mycoplasma Panel - Feline (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Mycoplasma Haemominutum (qPCR) 2 days
Mycoplasma Haemofelis (qPCR) 2 days
Fee Schedule

Mycoplasma Panel - Feline (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2mL whole blood (EDTA) 2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Mycoplasma Panel - Porcine (Panel) Details

Mycoplasma Panel - Porcine (Panel)

Please submit all swabs for PCR viral analysis in BHI transport media (transport media available from BVC).
Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Panel Tests

Mycoplasma Panel - Porcine (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Mycoplasma genus (PCR) 5 days
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (PCR) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Mycoplasma Panel - Porcine (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Respiratory specimen 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Neospora caninum (PCR) Fee Schedule

Neospora caninum (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Brain, placenta, fetal tissues 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics New Castle Disease (Panel) Details

New Castle Disease (Panel)

Please submit all swabs for PCR viral analysis in BHI transport media (transport media available from BVC).
Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Panel Tests

New Castle Disease (Panel)

Panel Tests:
New Castle Disease (APMV-1) (Real-Time PCR) 2 days
Virulent New Castle Disease (vNDV) (Real-Time PCR) 2 days
New Castle Disease (APMV-1) (Real-Time PCR) 2 days
Newcastle Disease (Exotic) (Real-Time PCR) 3 days
Fee Schedule

New Castle Disease (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Tracheal, Oropharyngeal, or cloacal swab, Tissue from spleen, lung, or intestine 3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Nocardia (PCR) Details

Nocardia (PCR)

Aerobic isolation in bacteriology must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Fee Schedule

Nocardia (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Ornithinobacterium rhinotracheale (PCR) Fee Schedule

Ornithinobacterium rhinotracheale (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Panfungal PCR and Sequencing (Sent to Univ of FL) Fee Schedule

Panfungal PCR and Sequencing (Sent to Univ of FL)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Parapoxvirus (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Parapoxvirus (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Petrifilm E. coli/Coliform Count (Aerobic Culture) Fee Schedule

Petrifilm E. coli/Coliform Count (Aerobic Culture)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Porcine Deltacoronavirus (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Porcine Deltacoronavirus (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) Virus (qPCR) (Sent to ISU) Fee Schedule

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) Virus (qPCR) (Sent to ISU)

Fee Schedule:
Intestine, colon, jejunum, feces 7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Serum, Lung, Oral Fluids submitted in sterile spill proof container 7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Potomac Horse Fever (PHF) (Sent UKVDL) Fee Schedule

Potomac Horse Fever (PHF) (Sent UKVDL)

Fee Schedule:
Feces, EDTA Blood 7 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Respiratory Disease Comprehensive Panel (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Respiratory Disease Comprehensive Panel (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Rotavirus PCR (sent to Purdue) (PCR) Fee Schedule

Rotavirus PCR (sent to Purdue) (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Salmonella (PCR) Details

Salmonella (PCR)

Aerobic isolation in bacteriology must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Fee Schedule

Salmonella (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 15 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Salmonella Enterica Serovar Dublin (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Salmonella Enterica Serovar Dublin (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Salmonella enteriditis (FDA) (PCR) Details

Salmonella enteriditis (FDA) (PCR)

Aerobic isolation in Bacteriology or isolation in cell culture must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Fee Schedule

Salmonella enteriditis (FDA) (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 15 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Salmonella enteriditis (NPIP) (PCR) Fee Schedule

Salmonella enteriditis (NPIP) (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Molecular Diagnostics SARS-CoV2 RT-qPCR (qPCR) Fee Schedule


Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics St Louis Encephalitis Virus (research only) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

St Louis Encephalitis Virus (research only) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Streptococcus equi (PCR) Details

Streptococcus equi (PCR)

Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Fee Schedule

Streptococcus equi (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Respiratory specimen or abscess swab 12 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Streptococcus suis (PCR) Details

Streptococcus suis (PCR)

Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Fee Schedule

Streptococcus suis (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) (Panel) Panel Tests

Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Fee Schedule

Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Molecular Diagnostics Theileria Orientalis (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Theileria Orientalis (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Tick Identification (research only) (Microscopy) Fee Schedule

Tick Identification (research only) (Microscopy)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Toxoplasma gondii (PCR) Fee Schedule

Toxoplasma gondii (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Brain, placenta, fetal tissues 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Transmissable Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Transmissable Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Trichomonas foetus (PCR) Details

Trichomonas foetus (PCR)

The culture pouch must be inoculated immediately after proper collection of sample and should be stored at room/body temperature until it is received at the laboratory. DO NOT send on ice. Please see section on Submitting Samples on the BVC home page for more details on collection).
Fee Schedule

Trichomonas foetus (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
For feline samples, inoculate a InPouch-TF pouch/tube using a pea-sized amount of feces. For bovine samples, inoculate a InPouch-TF pouch/tube using prepucial wash/scrappings. Do Not Refrigerate. 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Vesicular Stomatitis (qPCR) (Panel) Panel Tests

Vesicular Stomatitis (qPCR) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Vesticular Stomatitis Indiana (VS IN) (qPCR) 3 days
Vesticular Stomatitis New Jersey (VS NJ) (qPCR) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Vesicular Stomatitis (qPCR) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics West Nile Virus (qPCR) Details

West Nile Virus (qPCR)

Submit synthetic swabs with in sterile, sealed vials with several drops of saline, viral transport media, or BHI to prevent desiccation. Do NOT use gel bacterial transport media, cotton tips, and wood handles as these may result in interference. BHI tubes and synthetic swabs are available from BVC.
Fee Schedule

West Nile Virus (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
Brain 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Western Equine Encephalomyelitis (WEE) (PCR) (Sent to NVSL) Fee Schedule

Western Equine Encephalomyelitis (WEE) (PCR) (Sent to NVSL)

Fee Schedule:
Brain 3 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Yersinia (PCR) Details

Yersinia (PCR)

Aerobic isolation in bacteriology must be performed before analysis in DNA.
Fee Schedule

Yersinia (PCR)

Fee Schedule:
Ancillary testing of bacterial isolates from aerobic culture 5 days M-F
Molecular Diagnostics Zika Virus (research only) (qPCR) Fee Schedule

Zika Virus (research only) (qPCR)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Serology Anaplasmosis (cELISA) [Each Qty: 1 to 5] Fee Schedule

Anaplasmosis (cELISA) [Each Qty: 1 to 5]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 1 to 5
3 mL serum 7 days F
Serology Anaplasmosis (cELISA) [Each Qty: 6 to 10] Fee Schedule

Anaplasmosis (cELISA) [Each Qty: 6 to 10]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 6 to 10
3 mL serum 7 days F
Serology Anaplasmosis (cELISA) [Each Qty: 11+] Fee Schedule

Anaplasmosis (cELISA) [Each Qty: 11+]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 11+
3 mL serum 7 days F
Serology Aspergillosis (Sent to MiraVista) Fee Schedule

Aspergillosis (Sent to MiraVista)

Fee Schedule:
Serology Avian Influenza (AGID) Fee Schedule

Avian Influenza (AGID)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 4 days M-Th
Serology Avian Influenza (ELISA) Fee Schedule

Avian Influenza (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 2 days M-F
Serology Avian Mycoplasmosis (Mg, Ms) (Panel) Panel Tests

Avian Mycoplasmosis (Mg, Ms) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) (ELISA) 5 days
Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) (ELISA) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Avian Mycoplasmosis (Mg, Ms) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 5 days M-F
Serology Avian Pneumovirus (Sent to PDRC) Fee Schedule

Avian Pneumovirus (Sent to PDRC)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Serology Avian Reovirus (REO) (ELISA) Fee Schedule

Avian Reovirus (REO) (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 10 days M-F
Serology Blasto - Histo Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Blasto - Histo Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Blastomycosis (AGID) 2 days
Histoplasmosis (AGID) 2 days
Fee Schedule

Blasto - Histo Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-Th
Serology Blastomycosis Antigen EIA (Mira Vista Diagnostics) Fee Schedule

Blastomycosis Antigen EIA (Mira Vista Diagnostics)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Serology Bluetongue (ELISA) Fee Schedule

Bluetongue (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Serology Bluetongue/EHD AGID (AGID) Fee Schedule

Bluetongue/EHD AGID (AGID)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Serology Bovine and Small Ruminant Pregnancy (ELISA) [Each Qty: 1 to 5] Fee Schedule

Bovine and Small Ruminant Pregnancy (ELISA) [Each Qty: 1 to 5]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 1 to 5
  2 days M-F
Serology Bovine and Small Ruminant Pregnancy (ELISA) [Each Qty: 6 to 10] Fee Schedule

Bovine and Small Ruminant Pregnancy (ELISA) [Each Qty: 6 to 10]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 6 to 10
  2 days M-F
Serology Bovine and Small Ruminant Pregnancy (ELISA) [Each Qty: 11+] Fee Schedule

Bovine and Small Ruminant Pregnancy (ELISA) [Each Qty: 11+]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 11+
  2 days M-F
Serology Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 1 to 20] Fee Schedule

Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 1 to 20]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 1 to 20
  7 days M-F
Serology Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 21 to 80] Fee Schedule

Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 21 to 80]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 21 to 80
  7 days M-F
Serology Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 81+] Fee Schedule

Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 81+]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 81+
  7 days M-F
Serology Bovine Neospora (cELISA) Fee Schedule

Bovine Neospora (cELISA)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 7 days M-F
Serology Brucella abortus (APA) Fee Schedule

Brucella abortus (APA)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Serology Brucella abortus (Panel) Panel Tests

Brucella abortus (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Fee Schedule

Brucella abortus (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Serology Brucella abortus (Std. Plate) Fee Schedule

Brucella abortus (Std. Plate)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Serology Brucella canis (IFA) [Each Qty: 1 to 4] Fee Schedule

Brucella canis (IFA) [Each Qty: 1 to 4]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 1 to 4
2 mL serum 3 days M-F
Serology Brucella canis (IFA) [Each Qty: 5 to 9] Fee Schedule

Brucella canis (IFA) [Each Qty: 5 to 9]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 5 to 9
2 mL serum 3 days M-F
Serology Brucella canis (IFA) [Each Qty: 10+] Fee Schedule

Brucella canis (IFA) [Each Qty: 10+]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 10+
2 mL serum 3 days M-F
Serology Brucella Ovis (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Brucella Ovis (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Serology Brucellla abortus / suis (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Brucellla abortus / suis (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
Serology CAEV/OPP (ELISA) Fee Schedule


Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 2 days M-F
Serology Canine Babesia (Sent to NCSU) Fee Schedule

Canine Babesia (Sent to NCSU)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 10 days M-F
Serology Canine Tick Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Canine Tick Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Ehrlichia canis (ELISA) 1 day
Lyme Disease (ELISA) 1 day
Canine Anaplasmosis (ELISA) 1 day
Dirofilariasis (Occult Heartworm) (ELISA) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Canine Tick Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Serology Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) (SHI - Referral) Fee Schedule

Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) (SHI - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 10 days M-F
Serology Chicken anemia virus (CAV) (Sent to Penn State Animal Diagnostic Laboratory) Fee Schedule

Chicken anemia virus (CAV) (Sent to Penn State Animal Diagnostic Laboratory)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 7 days M-F
Serology Coccidioidal titer (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Coccidioidal titer (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Serology Coccidioidmycosis (AGID) Fee Schedule

Coccidioidmycosis (AGID)

Fee Schedule:
3 mL serum 4 days M-Th
Serology Cryptococcus (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Cryptococcus (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Serology Dirofilariasis (Occult Heartworm) (ELISA) Details

Dirofilariasis (Occult Heartworm) (ELISA)

Same day for samples received by 1 PM.
Fee Schedule

Dirofilariasis (Occult Heartworm) (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
3 mL serum, 3 mL serum 1 day M-F
Serology Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) (AGID) Details

Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) (AGID)

Cut off time for test setup is 1 PM.
Fee Schedule

Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) (AGID)

Fee Schedule:
3 mL serum 1 day M-Th
Serology Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) (ELISA) Details

Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) (ELISA)

Same day results if received by 2 PM.
Fee Schedule

Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
3 mL serum 1 day M-F
Serology Equine Piroplasmosis Panel (Sent to NVSL) (Panel) Panel Tests

Equine Piroplasmosis Panel (Sent to NVSL) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Equine Piroplasmosis (Babesia caballi) (ELISA) (Sent to NVSL) 7 days
Equine Piroplasmosis (Theileria equi) (ELISA) (Sent to NVSL) 7 days
Fee Schedule

Equine Piroplasmosis Panel (Sent to NVSL) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
4 mL serum; sample must be received by noon for same-day results 7 days M-F
Serology Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Serology Equine Tick Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Equine Tick Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Equine Lyme Disease (ELISA) 1 day
Equine Anaplasmosis (ELISA) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Equine Tick Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Serology Feline Tick Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Feline Tick Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Lyme Disease (ELISA) 1 day
Ehrlichia canis (ELISA) 1 day
Anaplasmosis (cELISA) 7 days
Dirofilariasis (Occult Heartworm) (ELISA) 1 day
Anaplasma Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Anaplasma platys (Sent to NCSU)  
Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Sent to NCSU)  
Babesia Genus (Sent to NCSU) 5 days
Apicomplexa (Sent to NCSU)  
Cytauxzoon Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Bartonella Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Ehrlichia Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Hemotropic Mycoplasma Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Rickettsia Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Bartonella Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Fee Schedule

Feline Tick Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Serology FeLV, FIV Combo (Panel) Panel Tests

FeLV, FIV Combo (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) (ELISA) 1 day
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) (ELISA) 1 day
Fee Schedule

FeLV, FIV Combo (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
5 mL serum 1 day M-F
Serology Histoplasmosis Antigen EIA (Mira Vista Diagnostics) Fee Schedule

Histoplasmosis Antigen EIA (Mira Vista Diagnostics)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Serology Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) (Sent to Penn State Animal Diagnostic Laboratory) Fee Schedule

Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) (Sent to Penn State Animal Diagnostic Laboratory)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 10 days M-F
Serology Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) (ELISA) Fee Schedule

Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 10 days M-F
Serology Leptospirosis (Panel) Panel Tests

Leptospirosis (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Leptospirosis canicola (MAT) 7 days
Leptospirosis grippotyphosa (MAT) 7 days
Leptospirosis hardjo (MAT) 7 days
Leptospirosis ictero (MAT) 7 days
Leptospirosis pomona (MAT) 7 days
Leptospirosis (Other) (MAT) 7 days
Fee Schedule

Leptospirosis (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
3 mL serum 7 days W
Serology M. paratuberculosis (Johne's) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 1 to 5] Fee Schedule

M. paratuberculosis (Johne's) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 1 to 5]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 1 to 5
3 mL serum 7 days Th
Serology M. paratuberculosis (Johne's) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 6 to 10] Fee Schedule

M. paratuberculosis (Johne's) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 6 to 10]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 6 to 10
3 mL serum 7 days Th
Serology M. paratuberculosis (Johne's) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 11 to 50] Fee Schedule

M. paratuberculosis (Johne's) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 11 to 50]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 11 to 50
3 mL serum 7 days Th
Serology M. paratuberculosis (Johne's) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 51+] Fee Schedule

M. paratuberculosis (Johne's) (ELISA) [Each Qty: 51+]

Fee Schedule:
Each Qty: 51+
3 mL serum 7 days Th
Serology Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) (HI) Fee Schedule

Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) (HI)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 7 days M-F
Serology Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) (HI) Fee Schedule

Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) (HI)

Fee Schedule:
3 mL serum 7 days M-F
Serology Neonatal isoerythrolysis (Sent to University of CA at Davis) Fee Schedule

Neonatal isoerythrolysis (Sent to University of CA at Davis)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Serology Neospora (Sent to Cornell) Fee Schedule

Neospora (Sent to Cornell)

Fee Schedule:
Serum 14 days M-F
Serology Newcastle Disease (NDV) (Sent to Penn State Animal Diagnostic Laboratory) Fee Schedule

Newcastle Disease (NDV) (Sent to Penn State Animal Diagnostic Laboratory)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 10 days M-F
Serology NPIP-AI (AGID) Fee Schedule


Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 1 day M-Th
Serology NPIP-AI (ELISA) Fee Schedule


Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 1 day M-F
Serology Potomac Horse Fever (PHF) (Sent UKVDL) Fee Schedule

Potomac Horse Fever (PHF) (Sent UKVDL)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 10 days M-F
Serology Q Fever (Coxiella burnetii) (Sent to TVMDL) Fee Schedule

Q Fever (Coxiella burnetii) (Sent to TVMDL)

Fee Schedule:
3 mL serum, Q Fever (Coxiella burnetti) 10 days M-F
Serology Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) (IFA) Fee Schedule

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) (IFA)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M,Th
Serology Rotavirus (ELISA) Fee Schedule

Rotavirus (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
3 mL liquid feces 1 day Tu,F
Serology Salmonella Pullorum - Typhoid Plate Agglutination (Sent UKVDL) Fee Schedule

Salmonella Pullorum - Typhoid Plate Agglutination (Sent UKVDL)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Serology Toxoplasma gondii-IgG (IFA) Fee Schedule

Toxoplasma gondii-IgG (IFA)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Serology Wildlife Pregnancy (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Wildlife Pregnancy (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
Toxicology Anticoagulant Rodenticides (Panel) Panel Tests

Anticoagulant Rodenticides (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Brodifacoum (LCMSMS) 2 days
Bromadiolone (LCMSMS) 2 days
Chlorophacinone (LCMSMS) 2 days
Dicoumarol (LCMSMS) 2 days
Diphacinone (LCMSMS) 2 days
Pival (LCMSMS) 2 days
Warfarin (LCMSMS) 2 days
Fee Schedule

Anticoagulant Rodenticides (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Toxicology Arsenic (AA) Fee Schedule

Arsenic (AA)

Fee Schedule:
5 mL whole blood (EDTA or Heparin) or 5g liver, kidney, stomach or rumen content 4 days M-F
Toxicology Arsenic (ICP/MS) Fee Schedule

Arsenic (ICP/MS)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Toxicology Bromethalin (LC/PDA) Fee Schedule

Bromethalin (LC/PDA)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Toxicology Calcium (Ca) (ICP/MS) Fee Schedule

Calcium (Ca) (ICP/MS)

Fee Schedule:
200 g ground feed or 500 mL water 3 days M-F
Toxicology Cantharidin (GC/MS) Fee Schedule

Cantharidin (GC/MS)

Fee Schedule:
500g Alfalfa; Blister beetles; 50 mL urine 3 days M-F
Toxicology Copper (ICP/MS) Fee Schedule

Copper (ICP/MS)

Fee Schedule:
5g liver, kidney, stomach, or rumen content; 5g feed 3 days M-F
Toxicology Cyanide (Picric Acid) Fee Schedule

Cyanide (Picric Acid)

Fee Schedule:
100g suspected plant; 100g rumen or stomach content 2 days M-F
Toxicology Ergot Alk (GC/MS) Fee Schedule

Ergot Alk (GC/MS)

Fee Schedule:
500g fescue with sclerotia, 500g fescue with sclerotia 3 days M-F
Toxicology Ethylene Glycol (GC) Fee Schedule

Ethylene Glycol (GC)

Fee Schedule:
10 mL urine; serum, bait; 10g kidney, 50g stomach content 3 days M-F
Toxicology Hemp Potency (HPLC) Fee Schedule

Hemp Potency (HPLC)

Fee Schedule:
  5 days M-F
Toxicology Ionophores LCMS (Panel) Panel Tests

Ionophores LCMS (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Lasalocid-LC/MS (LC/MS) 2 days
Monensin-LC/MS (LC/MS) 2 days
Narasin-LC/MS (LC/MS) 2 days
Salinomycin-LC/MS (LC/MS) 2 days
Fee Schedule

Ionophores LCMS (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Toxicology Mercury (ICP) Fee Schedule

Mercury (ICP)

Fee Schedule:
  1 day M-F
Toxicology Mineral Panel (ICP/MS) Fee Schedule

Mineral Panel (ICP/MS)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Toxicology Moisture (Mettler) Fee Schedule

Moisture (Mettler)

Fee Schedule:
  2 days M-F
Toxicology Molybdenum: Tissue (ICP/MS) Fee Schedule

Molybdenum: Tissue (ICP/MS)

Fee Schedule:
5g Liver 2 days M-F
Toxicology Mycotoxins Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Mycotoxins Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Aflatoxin (B1) (LCMSMS) 2 days
Aflatoxin (B2) (LCMSMS) 2 days
Aflatoxin (G1) (LCMSMS) 2 days
Aflatoxin (G2) (LCMSMS) 2 days
Citrinin (LCMSMS) 2 days
Fumonisin B1 (LCMSMS) 2 days
Fumonisin B2 (LCMSMS) 2 days
Ochratoxin A (LCMSMS) 2 days
Vomitoxin (LCMSMS) 2 days
Zearalenone (LCMSMS) 2 days
Fee Schedule

Mycotoxins Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
500g feed or forage 2 days M-F
Toxicology Nitrate (ISE probe) Fee Schedule

Nitrate (ISE probe)

Fee Schedule:
200 mL water, 500g feed or forage 1 day M-F
Toxicology Nitrate (Spot Test) Fee Schedule

Nitrate (Spot Test)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL eye fluid or serum 1 day M-F
Toxicology Nitrite (Spot Test) Fee Schedule

Nitrite (Spot Test)

Fee Schedule:
1 mL eye fluid or serum 1 day M-F
Toxicology Nutritional Mineral Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Nutritional Mineral Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Calcium (Ca) (ICP/MS) 3 days
Copper (ICP/MS) 3 days
Selenium (ICP/MS) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Nutritional Mineral Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Toxicology Pesticide (GC/MS) Fee Schedule

Pesticide (GC/MS)

Fee Schedule:
100g suspected material; 100g rumen or stomach content, 10 mL whole blood 3 days M-F
Toxicology pH (pH Meter) Fee Schedule

pH (pH Meter)

Fee Schedule:
50g rumen or stomach content, 100 mL water 1 day M-F
Toxicology Phosphorous (PO4) (Spectrophotometer) Fee Schedule

Phosphorous (PO4) (Spectrophotometer)

Fee Schedule:
200 g ground feed 3 days M-F
Toxicology Selenium (ICP/MS) Fee Schedule

Selenium (ICP/MS)

Fee Schedule:
Bovine, Ovine: 3 mL whole blood; Porcine, Equine: 3 mL clear serum; 5 g liver 3 days M-F
Toxicology Sodium (ICP/MS) Fee Schedule

Sodium (ICP/MS)

Fee Schedule:
50g brain, 2 mL serum 2 days M-F
Toxicology Strychnine (LCMSMS) Fee Schedule

Strychnine (LCMSMS)

Fee Schedule:
50g liver, 100g suspected material; 100g rumen or stomach content 2 days M-F
Toxicology Sulfur (ICP/MS) Fee Schedule

Sulfur (ICP/MS)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Toxicology Thallium (UV) Fee Schedule

Thallium (UV)

Fee Schedule:
10mL urine or serum 2 days M-F
Toxicology Toxic Element Panel (ICP/MS) Fee Schedule

Toxic Element Panel (ICP/MS)

Fee Schedule:
Toxicology Toxic Element Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Toxic Element Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Arsenic (ICP/MS) 3 days
Calcium (Ca) (ICP/MS) 3 days
Copper (ICP/MS) 3 days
Selenium (ICP/MS) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Toxic Element Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  3 days M-F
Toxicology Urea (Spectrophotometer) Fee Schedule

Urea (Spectrophotometer)

Fee Schedule:
500g feed or forage 3 days M-F
Toxicology Vitamin E (Sent to Michigan St) Fee Schedule

Vitamin E (Sent to Michigan St)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Toxicology Water Panel, Basic (Panel) Panel Tests

Water Panel, Basic (Panel)

Panel Tests:
pH (pH Meter) 1 day
TDS (TDS Meter) 3 days
Fluoride (IEC) 3 days
Chloride (IEC) 3 days
Nitrate (IEC) 2 days
Phosphate (IEC) 5 days
Sulfate (IEC) 5 days
Fee Schedule

Water Panel, Basic (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
200 mL water 5 days M-F
Toxicology Water Panel, Expanded (Panel) Panel Tests

Water Panel, Expanded (Panel)

Panel Tests:
pH (pH Meter) 1 day
TDS (TDS Meter) 3 days
Fluoride (IEC) 3 days
Chloride (IEC) 3 days
Nitrate (IEC) 2 days
Sulfate (IEC) 5 days
Phosphate (IEC) 5 days
ORP (ORP Meter) 3 days
Calcium (Ca) (ICP/MS) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Water Panel, Expanded (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
200 mL water 5 days M-F
Virology Avian Virus Isolation (Sent to PDRC) (VI - Sent to PDRC) Fee Schedule

Avian Virus Isolation (Sent to PDRC) (VI - Sent to PDRC)

Fee Schedule:
viral isolates 28 days M-F
Virology Blackleg Battery (Panel) Panel Tests

Blackleg Battery (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Cl. Chauvoei (FA) 1 day
Cl. Novyii (FA) 1 day
Cl. Septicum (FA) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Blackleg Battery (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Fresh tissue, muscle, heart 1 day M-F
Virology Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Feces, intestine, lung 1 day M-F
Virology Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (PI3V) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (PI3V) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Nasal swab, lung, trachea 1 day M-F
Virology Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (PI3V) (Virus Neutralization) Details

Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (PI3V) (Virus Neutralization)

Sample must be received by 11:00 AM on Tue, Fri for same day set up.
Fee Schedule

Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (PI3V) (Virus Neutralization)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum or acute-convalescent paired sera 7 days Tu,F
Virology Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Nasal swab, lung, trachea 1 day M-F
Virology Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) (Virus Neutralization) Details

Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) (Virus Neutralization)

Sample must be received by 11:00 AM on Tue, Fri for same day set up.
Fee Schedule

Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) (Virus Neutralization)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum or acute-convalescent paired sera 7 days Tu,F
Virology Bovine Respiratory Viral FAT (BVD, IBR, PI3, RSV) (Panel) Panel Tests

Bovine Respiratory Viral FAT (BVD, IBR, PI3, RSV) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBRV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) 1 day
Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (PI3V) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) 1 day
Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) 1 day
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) 1 day
Fee Schedule

Bovine Respiratory Viral FAT (BVD, IBR, PI3, RSV) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
See listing of each individual test 1 day M-F
Virology Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Nasal swab, lung, trachea, intestine, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) Persistent Infection Testing (ELISA) Fee Schedule

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) Persistent Infection Testing (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
Ear notch. Please do NOT submit ear notch in serum separator tube. 2 days M-F
Virology Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (Virus Neutralization) (Panel) Details

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (Virus Neutralization) (Panel)

Sample must be received by 11:00 AM on Tue, Fri for same day set up.
Panel Tests

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (Virus Neutralization) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Type 1 (Virus Neutralization) 7 days
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Type 2 (Virus Neutralization) 7 days
Fee Schedule

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (Virus Neutralization) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum or acute-convalescent paired sera 7 days Tu,F
Virology Canine Core Vaccine Titer (Panel) Panel Tests

Canine Core Vaccine Titer (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) (Sent to KSU) 4 days
Canine Parvovirus (CPV) (Sent to KSU) 4 days
Canine Adenovirus (CAV) (Sent to KSU) 4 days
Fee Schedule

Canine Core Vaccine Titer (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Virology Canine Coronavirus (CCV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Canine Coronavirus (CCV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Feces, intestine 1 day M-F
Virology Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Conjunctival swab, brain, lung, urinary bladder 1 day M-F
Virology Canine Distemper Virus (IFA) (Panel) Panel Tests

Canine Distemper Virus (IFA) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) (IFA IgG) 3 days
Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) (IFA IgM) 3 days
Fee Schedule

Canine Distemper Virus (IFA) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum 3 days M-F
Virology Canine Herpesvirus (CHV) (IFA) Fee Schedule

Canine Herpesvirus (CHV) (IFA)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum 3 days M-F
Virology Canine Herpesvirus Type 1 (CHV1) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Canine Herpesvirus Type 1 (CHV1) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Trachea, lung, kidney, liver, nasal swab, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Canine Parvovirus (CPV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Canine Parvovirus (CPV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Feces, intestine, heart, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (ELISA) Fee Schedule

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Virology Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (ELISA) Fee Schedule

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Virology Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (Panel) Panel Tests

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (ELISA) 7 days
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (ELISA) 7 days
Fee Schedule

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
Fresh retropharyngeal lymph nodes and obex. No fixed tissue. 7 days M-F
Virology Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis (EEE) (ELISA) (Sent to NVSL) Fee Schedule

Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis (EEE) (ELISA) (Sent to NVSL)

Fee Schedule:
2 mL serum 7 days M-F
Virology Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 (ER) (Virus Neutralization) Details

Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 (ER) (Virus Neutralization)

Sample must be received by 11:00 AM on Tue, Fri for same day set up.
Fee Schedule

Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 (ER) (Virus Neutralization)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum or acute-convalescent paired sera 7 days M-F
Virology Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 and 4 (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 and 4 (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Lung, brain, nasal swab, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Equine Viral Arteritis Virus (EVAV) (Virus Neutralization) Details

Equine Viral Arteritis Virus (EVAV) (Virus Neutralization)

Sample must be received by 11:00 AM on Tue, Fri for same day set up.
Fee Schedule

Equine Viral Arteritis Virus (EVAV) (Virus Neutralization)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum or acute-convalescent paired sera 7 days M-F
Virology Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) (IFA) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) (IFA) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Lung, kidney, liver, spleen, brain, intestine 1 day M-F
Virology Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) (IFA) (IFA) Fee Schedule

Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) (IFA) (IFA)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum, abdominal fluid 3 days M-F
Virology Feline Herpesvirus Type 1 (FVR) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Feline Herpesvirus Type 1 (FVR) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Lung, trachea, spleen, nasal or conjunctival swab, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPLV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPLV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Spleen, intestine, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPLV) (HI - Referral) Fee Schedule

Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPLV) (HI - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Virology Feline Tick Panel (Panel) Panel Tests

Feline Tick Panel (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Lyme Disease (ELISA) 1 day
Ehrlichia canis (ELISA) 1 day
Anaplasmosis (cELISA) 7 days
Dirofilariasis (Occult Heartworm) (ELISA) 1 day
Anaplasma Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Anaplasma platys (Sent to NCSU)  
Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Sent to NCSU)  
Babesia Genus (Sent to NCSU) 5 days
Apicomplexa (Sent to NCSU)  
Cytauxzoon Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Bartonella Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Ehrlichia Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Hemotropic Mycoplasma Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Rickettsia Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Bartonella Genus (Sent to NCSU)  
Fee Schedule

Feline Tick Panel (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Virology Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBRV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBRV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Nasal swab, lung, trachea, conjunctival swab, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBRV) (Virus Neutralization) Details

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBRV) (Virus Neutralization)

Sample must be received by 11:00 AM on Tue, Fri for same day set up.
Fee Schedule

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBRV) (Virus Neutralization)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum or acute-convalescent paired sera 7 days M-F
Virology Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Virology Mycoplasma hyorhinis IgG (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Mycoplasma hyorhinis IgG (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  4 days M-F
Virology Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Virology Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Lung, intestine, spleen, lymph node, tonsil, kidney, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Porcine Deltacoronavirus (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Porcine Deltacoronavirus (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Virology Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) (IFA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) (IFA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  7 days M-F
Virology Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Fetal tissues, lung, liver 1 day M-F
Virology Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) (HI - Referral) Fee Schedule

Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) (HI - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  10 days M-F
Virology Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum 7 days M-F
Virology Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Lung, spleen, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Pseudorabies Virus (PRV) (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Pseudorabies Virus (PRV) (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum 7 days M-F
Virology Pseudorabies Virus (PRV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Pseudorabies Virus (PRV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Brain, tonsil, spleen, lung, fetal tissues 1 day M-F
Virology Swine Influenza Virus (ELISA - Referral) Fee Schedule

Swine Influenza Virus (ELISA - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum 7 days M-F
Virology Transmissable Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test) Fee Schedule

Transmissable Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) (Fluorescent Antibody Test)

Fee Schedule:
Intestine, feces 1 day M-F
Virology Vesicular Stomatitis (Virus Neutralization) (Panel) Details

Vesicular Stomatitis (Virus Neutralization) (Panel)

Sample must be received by 11:00 AM on Tue, Fri for same day set up.
Panel Tests

Vesicular Stomatitis (Virus Neutralization) (Panel)

Panel Tests:
Vesticular Stomatitis Indiana (VS IN) (Virus Neutralization) 7 days
Vesticular Stomatitis New Jersey (VS NJ) (Virus Neutralization) 7 days
Fee Schedule

Vesicular Stomatitis (Virus Neutralization) (Panel)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum or acute-convalescent paired sera 7 days M-F
Virology Viral PCR (PCR Sent to PDRC) Fee Schedule

Viral PCR (PCR Sent to PDRC)

Fee Schedule:
viral isolates 21 days M-F
Virology Virus Isolation (VI) Fee Schedule

Virus Isolation (VI)

Fee Schedule:
Tissue, swab 14 days Tu,F
Virology West Nile Virus (WNV) (ELISA) Fee Schedule

West Nile Virus (WNV) (ELISA)

Fee Schedule:
1-2 mL serum 3 days M-F
Virology West Nile Virus PRNT (PRNT - Referral) Fee Schedule

West Nile Virus PRNT (PRNT - Referral)

Fee Schedule:
  14 days M-F