
BVC Fee Policies

For our current list of tests and fees, see our Fee Schedule.

  1. A diagnostic accession represents a laboratory submission for a single clinical problem (disease syndrome) from one owner or herd/flock.
    Food animal/poultry accessions may consist of single or multiple specimens from the same production unit, same species, and same age group, with one clinical problem. Specimens may be pooled by the laboratory when doing so does not compromise the outcome of test results. Submissions representing multiple animals of different ages and/or with different clinical problems will be charged as separate accessions.
    Small animals, exotic animals, and equines will be treated as individuals with separate accessions. Litters (neonates) and birds up to 5 animals will be treated as one accession, but specimens may be pooled by the laboratory when doing so does not compromise the outcome of test results.
  2. Submitting samples, specimens, or animals to the BVC implies agreement to policies of Murray State University and the Breathitt Veterinary Center and transfers ownership of samples and property to the Breathitt Veterinary Center on receipt unless otherwise determined by written agreement prior to submission.
  3. Total animal disease diagnostic charges will be limited to $225.Companion animals and exotics are not limited to $225 and are charged for all testing and procedures.
  4. Herd or flock disease surveillance testing will be charged on a per test basis with no caps on charges. Diagnostic accession fee applies.
  5. Regulatory tests, such as Equine Infectious Anemia, Brucellosis, Pseudorabies, EVA, Johnes, etc., when submitted on official state or federal test charts will not be subject to the diagnostic accession fee.
  6. Necropsy fees include carcass disposal.
  7. Samples forwarded to another laboratory for testing will be assessed a handling fee. Overnight or other special shipping charges will be charged as noted. Charges for tests performed at another laboratory will be applied to that accession and are exempt from the $225 charge limit.
  8. Non-animal submissions, such as forage and water testing, do not require a referring veterinarian.
  9. Fees are subject to change without notice. Most current fees are posted on this website at the above link.
  10. Payment:
    1. The submitting veterinarian will be billed for services requested on behalf of clients. The Breathitt Veterinary Center will not bill owners directly for services; but, with the approval of the submitting veterinarian, owners may pay laboratory fees at the time of sample/animal delivery.
    2. Payment for non-animal accessions, not submitted though a referring veterinarian, is due on submission to the laboratory. Tests will not be performed until payment is received.
    3. Laboratory charges are billed each month and payment is due upon receipt. Laboratory services will be suspended if an account is more than 90 days past due.

Fee Calculations

The majority of our fees are calculated using a per test ("Each") method, where each test or panel is charged at the given fee, until the cases's maximum is reached. For these tests, 10 specimens tested at $10 on the fee schedule would cost $100 + the $10 accession fee.

A few of our tests may be charged using one of the three options below.

  • Group pricing allows for a set price based on quantity.
  • Tiered Each charges each specimen based on quantity, so the first X specimes will have one fee, the next Y have another, and so on.
  • Tiered Group charges once for the quantity group the fee falls within.

It is best to demonstrate what this means with an example. Assume a given test has the following configuration:

Min Quantity Max Quantity Fee
1 5 $3.00
6 10 $4.00
11 15 $5.00
16   $7.00

If 12 specimens were submitted for this test on an accession, the charges would be (not counting the accession fee or other testing):

  • Each: 12 specimens @ $5.00 each, fee is $60.00
  • Group: 12 specimens means row 3 applies, so fee is $5.00
  • Tiered Each: (specimens 1 - 5 @ $3.00 ea.) + (specimens 6 - 10 @ $4.00 ea.) + (specimens 11, 12 @ $5.00 ea.) so fee is $45.00
  • Tiered Group: (specimens 1 - 5 are $3.00) + (specimens 6 - 10 are $4.00) + (specimens 11, 12 are $5.00), so fee is $12.00