Submission Guidelines
The BVC accepts diagnostic, regulatory, and surveillance submissions from referring veterinarians. A professional veterinary referral insures the most efficient and effective use of laboratory resources to achieve diagnostic results at the lowest cost to the owner. The referring veterinarian collects and submits appropriate specimens and completed accession forms. Test results are reported to the referring veterinarian who finalizes the diagnosis and makes recommendations for treatment.
NOTE: BVC does not perform diagnostic testing on human or non-human primate samples.
Submitting samples, specimens, or animals to the BVC implies agreement to policies of Murray State University and the Breathitt Veterinary Center and transfers ownership of samples and property to the Breathitt Veterinary Center upon receipt unless otherwise determined by written agreement prior to submission.
Tips for submitting samples can be found in General Guidelines For Submitting Samples. Additional information for specific test requirements are found in the Client Handbook.
See our Fees Schedule page for more details.
General Submission Procedures
Biological specimens should be packaged, labeled, and shipped in accordance with federal DOT and IATA regulations. Compliance in packaging and labeling biological specimens is the responsibility of the shipper.
Please contact the BVC if you have any questions regarding shipping biological specimens. Avoid weekend and holiday delivery dates.
Some helpful links regarding shipment of biological specimens:
- Center for Disease Control (CDC) Transport of Infectious Substances.
- Dept. of Transportation (DOT) Hazard Materials: Infection Substances (49 CFR Parts 171 et. al.).
- World Health Organization (WHO) Guidance on Regulations for the Transport of Infectious Substances 2013-2014.
- U.S. Dept. of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration PDF brochure on transporting infectious substances.
Rabies Testing Guidelines
The BVC has been designated by the Kentucky Department for Health Services as an official rabies testing laboratory. Brains of suspect animals are examined by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing and a portion of the brain will be sent to the Department for Health Services Rabies Laboratory in Frankfort for animal inoculation studies when human exposure is involved. Rabies examinations are completed on a no-charge basis. Reports are telephoned to the County Health Department and mailed to the submitting veterinarian, owner, and County Health Department.
Kentucky Department for Health Services rabies shipping containers are to be used for shipping brains/heads of rabies suspect animals. These containers ARE NOT TO BE USED for any other purpose. Containers may be obtained through your local county health department. Sterilized containers are returned to the submitter via UPS. Approved containers may be shipped by bus to the laboratory.
Special rabies submission forms are available.